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The salary of an exempt employee may also be reduced for certain types of <br />deductions such as the employee's portion of health, dental or life insurance <br />premiums; state, federal or local taxes, social security; or, voluntary contributions <br />to a Section 457 retirement plan. <br />Impermissible Deductions from Salary. <br />In any work week in which an exempt employee performs any work, the exempt <br />employee's salary amount will not be reduced for any of the following reasons, <br />although, as explained further in more detail below, the employee's leave bank may <br />be reduced for these reasons, in some circumstances: <br />• Partial day absences for personal reasons, sickness or disability. <br />• Absence because the facility is closed on a scheduled workday. <br />• Absences for jury duty, attendance as a witness, or military leave in any <br />week in which you have performed any work. <br />• Any other deductions prohibited by state or federal law. <br />Permissible Deductions from An Exempt Employee's Leave Bank. <br />Federal and state law permit the Employer to reduce an exempt employee's accrued <br />vacation or sick balance for full or partial day absences for personal reasons, <br />sickness or disability. Deduction for the use of such leave time will not be made <br />from the exempt employee's salary, but from the exempt employee's leave bank. <br />Questions or Concerns about This Fair Pay Policy <br />If you have questions or concerns about this Fair Pay Policy, please contact your <br />supervisor/manager, any Director, or Human Resources. <br />28. BREAKS FOR NURSING MOTHERS TO PUMP BREAST MILK <br />Employees who need to express breast milk for their infant child _during the twelve (12) <br />months following the birth of the child will be provided with reasonable break times for <br />this purpose each day, as long as such breaks do not unduly disrupt company operations. <br />As far as possible, such breaks must run concurrently with regular break times otherwise <br />provided; and must be arranged so that the requirements of the job can be adequately met <br />by other staff on duty. It is not necessary for an employee to clock out for such breaks <br />unless regular unpaid meal break time is being used; the Utilities will not reduce the <br />compensation of any employee as a result of taking lactation breaks. <br />Employees needing time to express breast milk should contact their supervisor to inform <br />them of the need and discuss an appropriate private location. For lactation breaks <br />Employees will be provided an appropriate private (non -bathroom) space with an electrical <br />outlet that is shielded from view and free from intrusion. <br />35 <br />June 2023 <br />61847929v4 <br />113 <br />