Laserfiche WebLink
Internet and other ECS usage is not confidential. The Utilities receives <br />detailed monthly reports on Internet usage by individual employees and <br />the Utilities' software tracks each Internet site you visit. <br />Bandwidth Conservation <br />The Utilities uses the Internet for a number of key Utilities functions. To <br />ensure sufficient bandwidth to perform these functions, the Utilities has <br />implemented a variety of bandwidth conservation measures. These <br />measures include blocking websites that have no instructional or <br />administrative value. Employees may not use Internet radio stations for <br />casual listening and/or background music. Employees may not download <br />music or video files from the Internet. <br />Employees who violate any of the guidelines inay be subject to disciplinary <br />action including, but not limited to, written warnings, revocation of access <br />privileges and termination of einployinent. <br />17. SUPPLEMENTAL EMPLOYMENT <br />The Utilities does not restrict employees from engaging in outside employment. However, <br />the Utilities expects regular full-time employees to consider Utilities work their primary <br />employment. No Utilities employee may engage in outside employment that interferes <br />with the performance of his/her duties with the Utilities, that represents a conflict of <br />interest, or that may influence or bias an employee's job related decision making ability. <br />The Utilities will not change an employee's work hours to facilitate the scheduling of any <br />outside employment. If a supervisor believes an employee's outside employment is <br />detrimental to the Utilities and his/her position, the employee may be asked to discontinue <br />the outside employment. If an employee is asked to discontinue outside employment and <br />fails to do so, he/she may be subject to discipline up to and including termination. <br />Fire DepartmentParticipation <br />Employees are allowed to participate as a part-time paid firefighter in a Fire Department. <br />A non-exempt employee will be allowed to respond to fire calls as approved and <br />determined by his/her department supervisor, based on the work assignments and <br />responsibilities of the employee and department. Non-exempt employees responding to <br />fire calls during scheduled work hours will need to use vacation time for time away from <br />work, and exempt employees need to use vacation time or make-up time for the same <br />scenario. An employee may not respond to fire calls while on -call for the Utilities. <br />18 <br />June 2023 <br />61847929v4 <br />M <br />