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Condensed statements of revenues, expenses, and changes in net position highlights are as follows: <br />• Operating revenues — power sales increased by approximately $27.2 million between 2021 and 2020, <br />primarily the result of increased energy sales and higher average rates in 2021 compared to 2020. Operating <br />revenues — power sales consist primarily of member power sales revenue, power sales to nonmembers, and <br />transmission revenue. <br />• Other nonoperating revenues decreased by approximately $4.5 million between 2021 and 2020, primarily <br />related to the recognition of $1.8 million in proceeds received for the termination of a purchased power <br />agreement, and a $1.5 million gain on the sale of investments in connection with the 2010A bond <br />redemption, both occurring in 2020. In addition, the Agency had lower investment income of $1.1 million, <br />because of lower interest rates earned on cash and cash equivalents in 2021. <br />• Operating expenses increased by approximately $34.4 million between 2021 and 2020, primarily the result <br />of a $25.1 million increase in power acquisition expense, a $4.0 million increase in transmission expense, <br />and a $3.4 million increase in other operating expenses. These increases are primarily attributable to higher <br />energy market prices and increased demand in 2021. <br />• Other nonoperating expenses decreased by approximately $4.6 million between 2021 and 2020, primarily <br />related to $3.0 million lower interest expense in 2021 because of the 2010A bond redemption in 2020. In <br />addition, there was a lower net decrease of $0.8 million in the fair value of investments, and no loss on <br />extinguishment of debt in 2021. <br />• Future recoverable costs decreased by approximately $11.2 million between 2021 and 2020, primarily the <br />result of the application of the Agency's policy regarding the levelization of costs for generating assets <br />financed by debt and the application of the Agency's policy of not recognizing the change in value of <br />investments for ratemaking purposes. In 2021, the Agency began amortizing its remaining deferred cost <br />balance of approximately $50 million over a seven-year period. <br />Debt Administration <br />As of December 31, 2022 and 2021, the Agency had long-term debt outstanding of approximately <br />$149.7 million and $158.3, respectively. <br />On October 1, 2020, the Agency redeemed the remaining Series 2010A bonds in the amount of $67.8 million. <br />The Agency continued to hold an Al rating from Moody's in 2022. Fitch upgraded the Agency's bond rating <br />from A+ to AA- in 2022. <br />Other Factors <br />During February 2021, a polar vortex resulted in persistent and extreme cold weather that covered most of the <br />United States, including the Midcontinent Independent System Operator (MISO) region. This weather event <br />led to an increase in energy demand while some generating facilities faced fuel -supply issues and equipment <br />failures that stressed the bulk electric system. As a result of these factors, the market experienced extreme price <br />volatility for utilities buying or selling energy during this weather event. During this period, the Agency <br />incurred some higher than anticipated costs to provide energy to its members, and utilized approximately $4.4 <br />million from its rate stabilization fund to help mitigate the impact of these additional costs. <br />Contact Information <br />This financial report is designed to provide a general overview of the Agency's finances. Questions concerning <br />any of the information provided in this report or requests for additional information should be addressed to <br />Avant Energy, Inc., 220 South Sixth Street, Suite 1300, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55402. <br />W <br />147 <br />