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11. IEEE Statistics <br />When it comes to reliability, the industry standard metrics are defined in the Institute <br />for Electrical and Electronics Engineers' Guide for Electric Power Distribution Reliability <br />Indices, or IEEE 1366 guidelines. For each utility, the eReliability Tracker performs IEEE <br />1366 calculations for System Average Interruption Duration Index (SAIDI), System <br />Average Interruption Frequency Index (SAIFI), Customer Average Interruption Duration <br />Index (CAIDI), Momentary Average Interruption Frequency Index (MAIFI) and Average <br />Service Availability Index (ASAI). <br />It is important to note how major events (MEs) are calculated and used in this report. <br />An example of a ME includes severe weather, such as a tornado or hurricane, that leads <br />to unusually long outages in comparison to your distribution system's typical outage. <br />This report uses the APPA ME threshold, which is based directly on the SAIDI for <br />specific outage events, rather than a daily SAIDI. The APPA ME threshold allows a utility <br />to remove outages that exceed the IEEE 2.5 beta threshold for outage events, which <br />considers up to 10 years of the utility's outage history. In the eReliability Tracker, if a <br />utility does not have at least 36 outage events prior to the year being analyzed, then <br />no threshold is calculated. If this is the case for your utility, then you will have a NULL <br />value in the following field and the calculations without MEs in the SAIDI, SAIFI, CAIDI, <br />and ASAI sections of this report will be the same as the calculations with MEs for your <br />utility. More outage history will provide a better threshold for your utility. <br />Your utility's APPA major event threshold is 98 minutes. <br />For each of the reliability indices, this report displays your utility's metrics alongside the <br />mean values for all utilities using the eReliability Tracker and within the same calss and <br />region as your utility. The first table within each of the following subsections allows you <br />to better understand the performance of your electric system relative to other utilities <br />nationwide and to those within your same region or size class. The second table breaks <br />down the national data into quartile ranges, a minimum value, and a maximum value. <br />All indices, except MAIFI, are calculated for outages with and without MEs. Furthermore, <br />the tables show indices for scheduled and unscheduled outages. Note that scheduled <br />and unscheduled calculations include MEs. Also note that wherever MEs are excluded, <br />the exclusion is based on the APPA ME threshold for your system. <br />5 <br />187 <br />