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4.1c ERMUSR 04-11-2023
City Government
Boards and Commissions
Utilities Commission
4.1c ERMUSR 04-11-2023
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10/6/2023 4:31:01 PM
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4/13/2023 1:15:54 PM
City Government
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Water and Electric Rates. Electric - The latest increase in the Utilities' electric rates was effective January 2023. The <br />monthly base charges are based upon the type of service. The monthly charges are $15.00 for residential, $32.00 for non - <br />demand, $77.00 for demand and $115.00 for large industrial demand customers. In addition to the base charges the <br />residential rate is $.1373/kWh for June -October usage, and $.1255/kWh for November -May usage; the non -demand rate is <br />$.1330/kWh for June -October, and $.1114/kWh for November -May; the demand rate is $.0704/kWh energy charge year <br />round with a demand charge of $16.75AW June -October, and $11.75AW for November -May; the large industrial demand <br />rate is $.0696/kWh energy charge year round with a demand charge of $16.25AW June -October, and $11.25AW <br />November -May. <br />Water - The latest increase in the Utilities' water rates was effective January 2023. The monthly base charge for <br />residential customers is $9.83 per month. In addition to the base charge, the Utilities currently charges its residential <br />customers $1.98 per 1,000 gallons up to 9,000 gallons, $3.50 per 1,000 gallons between 9,000 gallons and 15,000 gallons, <br />and $4.00 per 1,000 gallons for usage above 15,000 gallons. Commercial customer base charges are based upon meter <br />size and range from $11.79 to $124.57. An irrigation meter is $20.98 per month. There is also a charge per 1,000 gallons, <br />the same tiers as the residential rates of $1.98, $3.50, and $4.00, except the graduation from the lower tier to the higher <br />tier(s) is calculated based on previous consumption. <br />The Utilities requires payment of all utility bills to be paid by the due date stated on the monthly bill. A ten percent penalty <br />is assessed for payments not received by the due date. The Utilities may discontinue service of a customer not complying <br />with the disconnect policy of the Utilities after receiving a written disconnect notice. Residential and <br />Commercial/Industrial single phase electric customers that have their service discontinued will be charged a minimum of <br />$50.00 to have their service reconnected. Commercial/Industrial three phase electric customers that have their service <br />discontinued will be charged a minimum of $150.00 to have their service reconnected. Residential and <br />Commercial/Industrial water customers that have their water shut-off will be charged a fee of $100.00 to have their water <br />turned on/reconnected. There are no reconnections after 3:30 pm and payments for reconnection/turn on are not <br />accepted at the property site; payments must be made prior to dispatching reconnection. Customers can come into the <br />office between the hours of 8:00 am and 4:30 pm to make payment by cash, money order or credit card; or pay online or <br />by phone with a credit card. The Utilities abides by the Cold Weather Rules. <br />Deposit Policy. Per our Deposit Policy, the Utilities collects social security numbers from new accounts and utilizes a <br />credit risk assessment tool called "Online Utility Exchange' to determine if a deposit is necessary as a proactive measure <br />to try and reduce uncollectible accounts. The amount of the deposit required will depend on the risk identified with the <br />customer. For residential customers, if there is a 68 percent or higher probability of non -default and no negative history <br />(no disconnection for non-payment or late payments two or more times within 12 months) there is no deposit required. If <br />there is a lower than 68 percent probability of non- default, a deposit appropriate to the services supplied will be required <br />before utility service will be extended. If the customer chooses not to provide a social security number, the deposit is <br />automatically required. Residential deposit amounts are $100 for apartments, $100 for homes with water and sewer, $150 <br />for homes with electric only services, and $250 for homes with all services (electric, water, and sewer). <br />For commercial and industrial customers, a service agreement would need to be signed. Generally, a deposit of 2 times <br />the estimated highest monthly bill will be required, with a minimum deposit of $250 for non -demand customers, and <br />minimum deposit of $1,000 for demand customers. The deposit shall be in the form of a cash deposit, or an irrevocable <br />letter of credit. The irrevocable letter of credit will be renewed as required and failure to do so will result in a charge equal <br />to the amount of the letter of credit applied to the monthly utility bill and held by the Utilities as a cash deposit. <br />Deposits will be retained until the account is closed. The deposit will be returned to the customer within 45 days of <br />termination of service, provided that the customer has paid in full all amounts due on the account. The appropriate <br />interest will be applied to the account per state statutes. <br />17 <br />100 <br />
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