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Forward <br />This document presents an amended, comprehensive wellhead protection plan for Elk River Municipal Utilities <br />(ERMU) that will help provide for an adequate and safe drinking water supply for community residents. <br />ERMU has made good progress in implementing the current wellhead protection (WHP) plan and continues in efforts <br />to protect the City of Elk River's source water. This amendment reflects relatively minor amendments to the <br />boundaries of the emergency response areas, wellhead protection areas and the drinking water supply management <br />area (DWSMA) since the previous WHP plan. The moderately vulnerable area within the DWSMA has been <br />refined. The vulnerability status of Well 93 changed from nonvulnerable to vulnerable due to results of recent <br />water sampling. This amended WHP plan includes addressing important issues of expected growth in <br />population and associated increase demands on the sole -source aquifer used to supply potable water for the City <br />of Elk River and many other public and private well owners in the region. The City and ERMU will continue <br />to work with citizens and local and state partners in implementation of the WHP plan. <br />MDH wellhead protection rules require a review and assessment of various data elements as determined by <br />DWSMA vulnerability that must be completed for the DWSMA. This process must address existing and <br />historical aspects of the 1) physical environment, 2) land uses, 3) water quantity and 4) water quality. The data <br />assessment process conducted by the ERMU wellhead protection team supports both the delineation and <br />vulnerability reports (Part 1) and assists in the identification of potential impacts the data elements may have on <br />the source water and how the water supplier can address potential impacts (Part 2). Appendix A contains detailed <br />assessments of all applicable data elements for the DWSMA. <br />Eight wells contribute source water to the ERMU system. Each well has undergone an extensive groundwater <br />modeling process as part of wellhead protection planning. The modeling results are presented in the Part I report. <br />The Part I report is located in Appendix B which contains the 1) delineation of the wellhead protection area, 2) <br />delineation of the DWSMA, and 3) the assessments of well and drinking water supply management area <br />vulnerability. The Part I report was approved by the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) before the second <br />part of the plan was prepared. <br />The remainder of the wellhead protection plan is referred to as `Part 2' and contains procedures followed for <br />conducting an potential contaminant source inventory (PCSI) and the development of goals, objectives and measures <br />that ERMU will take to offset the risk that potential contamination sources present to the public water supply <br />system. <br />The identification of potential contaminant sources within the DWSMA is a fundamental element of wellhead <br />protection. A PCSI is needed to assign meaningful priorities to management measures and to effectively monitor the <br />effectiveness of implementation of the WHP plan. This is an ongoing process that entails inventorying present and <br />past land uses and periodically updating the PCSI as land uses change within the DWSMA. The extent of potential <br />contaminant inventory conducted within a DWSMA is determined by the vulnerability of the public water supply <br />wells and the DWSMA. The ERMU wellhead protection team has conducted an inventory of potential contaminant <br />sources within the DWSMA which are discussed in Chapter 4 and shown on maps and tables in Appendix C. <br />The wellhead protection team discussed and listed any expected changes to the physical environment, land use, <br />surface and groundwater that may impact the aquifer serving the public water supply wells in the DWSMA. <br />Chapter 5 discusses this subject in greater detail to clarify expected changes and how those changes may impact <br />the source water used by ERMU. <br />A WHP plan must identify water use, land use issues, problems and opportunities related to the aquifer serving the <br />public water supply wells, the well water and each DWSMA. The wellhead protection team utilizes this process <br />to define the nature and magnitude of contaminant source management issues within each DWSMA. The <br />identification of issues, problems and opportunities that may exist in the DWSMA enables ERMU to 1) take <br />advantage of opportunities that may be available to make effective use of existing resources, 2) set priorities for <br />management of contaminants listed, and 3) request support for implementing specific management strategies. <br />9 <br />