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WATER CONSERVATId <br />0 <br />MR <br />ENERGY STAR° CERTIFIED CLOTHES WASHER - $40 REBATE <br />The average American family washes approximately 300 loads of laundry each year. ENERGY STAR® <br />certified clothes Washers use about 25% less energy and 45% less water than regular washers. <br />ENERGY STAR* CERTIFIED DISHWASHER - $40 REBATE <br />Did you know that a dishwasher built before 1994 Wastes more than 10 gallons of Water per cycle? A new, <br />ENERGY STAR® certified dishwasher Will save, on an average, 3,870 gallons of Water over its lifetime. <br />WATERSENSE LABELED FAUCETS - $10 REBATE <br />WaterSense labeled faucets are high -performing, Water -efficient fixtures that Will help you reduce Water use <br />by up to 40% in your home or office. <br />WATERSENSE LABELED TOILETS - $25 REBATE <br />Toilets are by far the main source of Water use in the home, accounting for nearly 30 percent of an average <br />home's indoor Water consumption. With a WaterSense labeled model, the average family can save more <br />than $110 per year in Water costs, and $2,200 over the lifetime of the toilet. <br />WATERSENSE LABELED SMART IRRIGATION CONTROLLERS - UP TO A $250 REBATE <br />Experts estimate that as much as 50% of outdoor Water is Wasted due to overwatering caused by <br />inefficiencies in irrigation methods and systems. Replacing a standard clock timer With a WaterSense labeled <br />irrigation controller can save an average home nearly 8,800 gallons of Water annually. <br />