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DaLa C.,,ohectJori <br />The Q3 2022 survey included 500 mailed surveys to ERMU customers and 500 emailed surveys to ERMU <br />customers, Both mail and email surveos were sent on Se.,ctember 8, 2022, and data collection was close4, <br />on October 7, 2022. 51 mail responses were received, and 58 email responses were received. In total, <br />109 responses were received (mail and email), at an overall 10.9% response rate (and are statistically <br />valid at a 95% confidence level to within +/- 9.3%). This is considered an average response rate for this <br />type of survey. Data collection is summarized below: <br />Medium Sent Returned Response rate <br />Email 500 58 11.6% <br />Mail 500 51 10.2% <br />Total 1000 109 10.9% <br />3 <br />95 <br />