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<br /> <br />8 | P a g e Jackson Hills Apartments – Phases 2-4, Elk River, MN <br />A final fundamental component of operational analyses is a study of vehicular queuing, or the line of <br />vehicles waiting to pass through an intersection. An intersection can operate with an acceptable Level of <br />Service, but if queues from the intersection extend back to block entrances to turn lanes or accesses to <br />adjacent land uses, unsafe operating conditions could result. In this report, the Industry Design Standard <br />95th percentile queue length is used. The 95th Percentile Queue Length refers to that length of vehicle <br />queue that has only a five-percent probability of occurring during an analysis hour. <br /> <br />This study has utilized the industry current Synchro/SimTraffic software package (11th Edition) to analyze <br />the 2025 No-Build and Build conditions for the AM and PM peak hours at the site access intersection, <br />and at the Jackson Ave NW intersections with School St NW and with TH 10. It is noted the site access <br />intersection is stop controlled and the other intersections are traffic signal controlled. The results of the <br />capacity analysis are summarized in Tables 2. <br /> <br />Table 2 <br />Peak Hour Operations <br /> <br />The results shown in Table 2 indicate the overall operations of the study area intersections are providing <br />acceptable overall LOS with manageable vehicle queues for both the No-Build and Build conditions. <br />The roadway capacity conditions on Jackson Ave NW were also reviewed. In the vicinity of the site <br />Jackson Ave NW is generally a two-lane road with turn lanes at critical intersections which has a capacity <br />for approximately 15,000 trips per day. Currently Jackson Ave NW carries 5,200 trips per day or utilizes <br />approximately 35 percent of its capacity. The addition of the site traffic will add approximately 712 trips <br />per day in the southerly direction (greatest increase) increasing the daily traffic to approximately 5,912 <br />trips per day. The addition of the new trips will change the roadway capacity usage to 39 percent. There <br />is sufficient capacity for future growth on Jackson Ave NW. <br />Conclusion <br />The proposed Jackson Hills Apartments Phase 2-4 to the Jackson Ave NW corridor will not result in poor <br />operations or excessive queuing at the study area intersections. Please contact Vernon Swing at <br /> or 612-968-4142 with any questions. <br /> <br />Attachments: Vicinity Map; Site Plan <br />LOS (Delay in sec) plus Vehicle Queuing in Feet <br />Intersection No. 2025 NB AM 2025 NB PM 2025 B AM 2025 B PM <br />Jackson Ave/TH10 C (24.1) C (22.7) C (25.9) C (21.9) <br />Worst Movement E (64.8) E (61.1) E (61.1) EBL E (64.5) WBL <br />95th Percentile Q EBT-445' WBL-480' EBT-519' WBT-461' <br />Jackson Ave/School St B (11.7) B (14.7) B (12.6) B (15.1) <br />Worst Movement C (25.8) EBL C (24.4) WBL C (21.1) WBT C (24.1) EBL <br />95th Percentile Q WBT-170' EBL-246' WBT-164' EBL-270' <br />Jackson Ave/Site Access A (2.3) A (3.1) <br />Worst Movement A (7.7) EBL A (6.4) NBL <br />95th Percentile Q EB-44' EB-43' <br />N/A N/A