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5.6b ERMUSR 08-09-2022
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5.6b ERMUSR 08-09-2022
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8/6/2022 11:46:51 AM
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3 <br /> <br />Thanks for the reply. My apologies for the delay on getting back to you. We needed to dig into the all the details more. <br />There were vacations and COVID that got in the way as well. <br /> <br />In review of the two quotes, as you identified, they are not the same and there are discrepancies between them. The <br />Brenteson quote does not include several items of work that were necessary to be performed and also did not include <br />unit pricing for some items listed in the quote to allow for proper comparison. The original quotes from both contractors <br />are estimates that were used to approximate what work may be necessary related to the watermain based on <br />incongruent assumptions and not the actual work performed, as it should be. The quotes were nothing more than <br />approximations should not be used as a basis for payment. My comment during our meeting was whether these were <br />apples to apples and if so, there is validity to look at the two and to do some comparison of sorts. The installed <br />quantities were reviewed and approved by ERMU staff or their consultant and there was concurrence by all parties to <br />the work performed as it related to the watermain. <br /> <br />However, what is of importance in looking at the Brenteson quote is that this is a proposal that identified ERMU’s <br />willingness to participate in that amount. That number was $220,000. Additionally ERMU Board approved $261,000 for <br />the work. What was omitted from the Brenteson quote, were approved items by all parties as part of actual <br />construction of the watermain which were needed to be performed. The items omitted in the Brenteson work included <br />mobilization and superintendent, proof rolling, leak detection, exploratory excavation and removal of a valve box and <br />fittings. This total is $20,483.07. Being that the Brenteson quote is the basis of what you were willing to participate in <br />by having Brenteson perform the work, the total expected participation would have been $240,483.07 with the <br />approved additional work not provided in the Brenteson estimate. As noted here and below is all items specifically <br />related to watermain are 100% ERMU. <br /> <br />I have provided a cost calculation sheet that utilizes the Brenteson quote for a visual on an analysis that includes the <br />Brenteson unit pricing when provided and actual installed quantities. Where there was no Unit price provided by <br />Brenteson, I utilized the unit price provided by NL. The Brenteson quote excluded items related to insulation, so NL <br />quantities and unit pricing were used. Also, included is a cost calculation at the bottom of the sheet that includes a <br />sharing of the discrepancy. <br /> <br />Based on the idea that the total change order for the watermain work ($212k) is less than the original Brenteson quote <br />plus omitted items ($240k), we feel that the amount of $212,985.56 is reasonable for ERMU to pay. We all know this <br />work was necessary as a result of watermain conflicts that were not identified during design and not further explored <br />during the early stages of construction. <br /> <br />In review of Lee’s values, conceptually he did a comparison of the total quotes. The analysis is suggesting a proposed <br />cost share that included watermain items that would be 100% ERMU responsibility and not shared. In the sheet <br />attached, I utilized the Brenteson unit pricing for Watermain items if provided, so a calculation and comparison of <br />discrepancies between Brenteson and NL unit pricing does not apply. The NL provided unit prices were used by Lee if a <br />Brenteson Unit price was not provided in his latest analysis. The only item in question remaining is street restoration <br />and as per Lee’s calculations, the difference is split. When adding items that were omitted from the Brenteson quote, <br />the calculations would indicate that the ERMU cost would be greater than the $212,985.56 when separating 100% <br />ERMU watermain items so it is reasonable for ERMU to pay the full amount. Simply wanted to touch back on Lee’s <br />analysis and it being higher as well. <br /> <br />I would be happy to sit down with you and go over the details with you. <br />Let me know about the meeting and dates that may work for you. <br /> <br />Thank you. <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />92
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