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<br /> <br />o <br /> <br />D <br /> <br />Planning Commission Minutes <br />June 26, 1984 <br />Page Three <br /> <br />6. Variance Request by Anthony Omitt <br /> <br />Mr. Anthony Omltt was present for this item at the Planning Commission Meeting. <br /> <br />Rick Breezee indicated that Mr. Omitt who lives at 20727 Ulysses Street, Elk <br />River has requested a variance to add on to an existing metal-skinned structure <br />that he presently has on his property. Mr. Breezee further indicated that Mr. <br />Ommitt's metal skinned building is presently located approximately 126' from his <br />neighbor to the north, and that the minimum distance allowed to any neighboring <br />residence in Mr. Omitt's area is 600 feet. <br /> <br />Commissioner Oster questioned Mr. Omitt as to whether there was any place on the <br />back of his property that he could accommodate the building. Mr. Omitt indicated <br />that there is a wooded area in the back, but that it is always wetland, and that <br />he would have to reroute his sewer system and bring in a lot of fill, and cut <br />down a lot of trees in order .to get his building in that area. <br /> <br />Chairman Tracy questioned Mr. Omitt as to whether he had acquired a building <br />permit from the City for the structures that are present on his land. Mr. Omitt <br />indicated that he had put a three sided building up over night because of a sick <br />mare, and that he did not acquire a permit for this, and that he had intended to <br />take the building down right away. Mr. Omitt further indicated that it was last <br />year when he constructed this building. <br /> <br />Commissioner Temple asked Mr. Omitt what he would be using the metal-skinned <br />building for. Mr. Omitt indicated that he would be using the building for the <br />housing of horses. Mr. Omittfurther indicated that he would be removing the <br />building in front of his house. <br /> <br />Chairman Tracy indicated that Mr. Omitt had a lot of storage in his yard. Com- <br />missioner Tralle indicated that there were a lot of vehicles in Mr. Omitt's yard. <br />Mr. Omitt indicated that all of the vehicles were registered in his name and <br />driveable, and that they were not junk vehicles. <br /> <br />Commissioner Tralle questioned whether Mr. Omitt had a home occupation selling <br />vehicles. Mr. Omitt stated that he did have a wholesale dealers license but that <br />he does not sell the vehicles from his home residence. Commissioner Tralle <br />questioned Mr. Omitt as to the size of his existing metal-skinned building. Mr. <br />Omitt indicated that the building was 26' by 48' and that the walls were 10' high, <br />and also that the addition to be constructed would be 16' by 26'. <br /> <br />Commissioner Tralle indicated that in the past all conditional uses for agri- <br />cultural buildings have been limited to the number of horses that can be kept in <br />them and that the maximum limit has been three horses. Mr. Omitt indicated that <br />he has two horses right now in his building, and that he has two other horses <br />boarded out which makes a total of four horses. <br /> <br />Chairman Tracy indicated that he felt Mr. Omitt's area was unsightly and that he <br />could not go along with voting in favor of the conditional use unless he could <br />be usre that the structure would be used to clean up the area. <br /> <br />Commissioner Tralle went through the five standards in order to grant a variance <br />with Mr. Omitt. Following are Mr. Omitt's answers to the five standards: <br />