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<br />Planning Commission Minutes <br />December 27, 1995 <br /> <br />Page 8 <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Commissioner T acheny questioned who will enforce the "no parking" on the <br />private streets. Steve Ach stated that additional parking has been created in the <br />development for guest parking, but if parking becomes a problem, it will come <br />back to the City for enforcement. <br /> <br />Discussion followed regarding access for emergency vehicles. Terry Maurer <br />explained that even if a vehicle parked on one side of the street, there still would <br />be approximately 16 feet of width. He felt that in an emergency situation, a <br />vehicle could get through, even if it meant going up over a curb. Terry stated <br />that the major concern is that fire hydrants are accessible to hook up the hoses. <br /> <br />Steve Ach noted that the streets within the development would be named and <br />numbered according to the City's grid system. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />In response to discussion regarding the pond, Terry Maurer explained that the <br />MPCA standards state that there should be 4 feet of standing water, with the <br />bottom 2 feet for sediment to build up before the pond would need to be <br />cleaned out. He added that since the pond is located on Lot 65 which will be <br />covered with a drainage and utility easement, it will be part of the City's <br />drainage system and need to be cleaned out occasionally. However, the City <br />would not be responsible for mowing around the site. Terry Maurer further <br />explained that they have found that ponds with slopes of 4: 1 or flatter, a person <br />could get out of the pond; and that ponds with slopes steeper than 4: 1 would be <br />more difficult and therefore, should be fenced to keep people out. <br /> <br />Commissioner Kreger questioned who would maintain the driveways. Mr. <br />Kingman explained that driveway maintenance would be included in the <br />homeowners' association agreement. <br /> <br />Discussion followed regarding using the roadway for pedestrian traffic. It was the <br />consensus that the street design will discourage high speed traffic and make it <br />relatively safe for pedestrian use. Mr. Kingman explained that the trail system <br />follows Joplin north to Orono Parkway. <br /> <br />COMMISSIONER KREGER MOVED THAT THE PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMEND <br />APPROVAL OF THE ZONE CHANGE FROM R1 C TO PUD, BY KINGMAN BUILDING CO, <br />PUBLIC HEARING CASE NO. ZC 94-16, BASED ON THE APPLICATION BY KINGMAN <br />BUILDING CO., THE INFORMATION IN STAFF'S MEMO TO THE PLANNING <br />COMMISSION DATED 12/27/94, INCLUDING THE FOLLOWING FINDINGS: <br /> <br />1. THE REZONING IS CONSISTENT WITH THE COMPREHENSIVE LAND USE PLAN <br />MAP. <br /> <br />2. THE REZONING IS A LOGICAL EXTENSION OF THE EXISTING PUD <br />DESIGNATION IMMEDIATELY TO THE NORTH. <br /> <br />3. THE PUD ZONING FOR A TWINHOME PROJECT ALLOWSFOR A LOGICAL <br />TRANSITION IN LAND USE DENSITIES. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />4. <br /> <br />THE REZONING WILL NOT BE DETRIMENTAL TO THE SURROUNDING AREA. <br /> <br />COMMISSIONER EBERLEY SECONDED THE MOTION. THE MOTION CARRIED 7-0. <br />