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<br />Planning Commission Minutes <br />February 22, 1994 <br /> <br />n r["",.f)Y;r-'~'1j:'\.~ .rHfbrffi <br />~W'ti0ti~~illJ~~~ Page 3 <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Chairman Tveite opened the public hearing. There being no comments from the <br />public, Chairman Tveite closed the public hearing. <br /> <br />COMMISSIONER EBERLEY MOVED TO RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF THE VARIANCE BY <br />THE CITY OF ELK RIVER, PUBLIC HEARING, CASE NO. V 94-01, CITING STAFF'S MEMO. <br />THE REQUEST MEETS THE FIVE STANDARDS FOR GRANTING A VARIANCE. <br />COMMISSIONER KREGER SECONDED THE MOTION. THE MOTION CARRIED 6-0. <br /> <br />8. Consider A Reauest For Preliminary Plat bv Country Ridae Partnership, Public <br />Hearinq, Case No. P 94-02 <br /> <br />staff report presented by Steve Ach. The applicant requested preliminary plat <br />approval to subdivide approximately 40 acres into 98 single family lots. <br /> <br />Tony Emmerich, applicant, asked if the park trail could be in front of the yards, not <br />on the back side. Mr. Emmerich stated that it is hard to sell lots with trails in the <br />rear yards and had concerns relative to security and privacy of property owners <br />next to the trail. <br /> <br />Dave Anderson, Chairman of the Park and Recreation Board, reviewed the <br />options presented to the Park and Recreation Board and explained why this <br />option was chosen. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Mr. Emmerich requested if the trail is constructed within rear yards that he be <br />given a credit to erect a privacy fence between the trail and the homes. Further, <br />he stated he did not intend to comply with two requirements in staff's memo, <br />condition #7 and # 14. Commissioner Kreger questioned Mr. Emmerich as to why <br />he would not comply. Mr. Emmerich replied that he would not initiate public <br />improvements for the Joplin Street extension and pay the entire cost of extending <br />Joplin Street to Highway 10. Also, the building that must be removed is Mrs. <br />Lakoduc's home and he would not inconvenience Mrs. Lakoduc. Steve Ach <br />responded that condition #7 could be re-worded so the developer would not <br />have to petition the City for public improvements, however Mr. Emmerich would <br />be responsible for a portion of the improvement. Mr. Ach also stated that platting <br />Joplin Street with a building in the right of way would present problems for <br />construction of Joplin. However, he would have to check with the City Attorney <br />if these are options for moving the building from the right of way. <br /> <br />Chairman Tveite opened the public hearing. <br /> <br />Sue Hecker, 13196 Mississippi Road, E.R., stated her concerns regarding the park <br />trail. She is not in favor of the trail being behind the homes due to lack of privacy <br />and questionable security. <br /> <br />Steve Ach briefly reviewed the trail system for this area and suggested the Park <br />and Recreation Board consider wider "corridors" for trails through residential <br />areas to avoid potential problems of infringing upon resident's privacy. Dave <br />Anderson responded. Discussion ensued between the Commissioners, staff, and <br />Mr. Anderson. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Maria Darikson, 18210 Fresno Street, questioned what type of construction will be <br />taking place to build these trails - will there be construction on Fresno? Terry <br />Maurer and Dave Anderson responded. <br />