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Memorandum <br /> <br />To: Parks and Recreation Commission <br /> <br />From: Michael Hecker, Parks and Recreation Director <br /> <br />Date: March 9, 2022 <br /> <br />Subject: Director’s Report <br /> <br />This report is a monthly highlight of department activities related to recent collaborations, strategic <br />planning, staff changes/developments, and park operations. <br /> <br />Active Elk River - Orono Park & YAC <br />The proposed Orono Park construction schedule includes time for the grass seed to establish through fall. <br />We are not planning city or community special events there in 2022, including Elk RiverFest and the <br />Thumbs Up 5K. The Thumbs Up event worked well at WTRP last September, and we are working with the <br />organizers to follow the same format this year. <br />We are not reserving Orono Park picnic shelters for this summer until we have a more definite <br />construction schedule. We hope to open reservations in late summer with the new fee structure. <br />Athletic Field Study <br />Staff and the subcommittee met with HKGI to start the Athletic Field Use Study. The purpose of <br />this study is to evaluate field needs for the next 5-10 years. HKGI will gather data, with the help of <br />staff to form surveys. The surveys will go out in two phases: one to the association staff for input <br />and one to the participants and users of the facilities. Staff has already informed the associations to <br />encourage participation to ensure their voice is heard. Once the data is collected, HKGI, staff and <br />subcommittee members will meet with the associations to discuss the findings of the surveys and <br />how to proceed forward. The associations will be able to provide further input on the direction they <br />would like Elk River to go with the fields. <br />HKGI will take all the information into consideration, while keeping the main goal in mind to blend <br />local trends with state and national trends. Subcommittee members gave HKGI the background <br />information on our fields and facilities and detailed some projects that are currently in the works and <br />some future ideas. We look forward to working with HKGI to help us evaluate our fields and <br />athletic facilities. <br />Item: 10