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The property has operated as an agricultural research facility for quite some time and all of the <br />surrounding properties are also owned and operated by the applicant in support of the use. The mill itself <br />will be shorter in height and contained within a building, reducing overall noise and dust emissions. <br /> <br />Staff does not see a need to impose specific conditions to satisfy this standard. <br /> <br />2. Will be consistent with the comprehensive plan. <br />The property is guided for agricultural uses and the proposed use is consistent with the long-term vision <br />for the area. <br /> <br />Staff does not see a need to impose specific conditions to satisfy this standard. <br /> <br />3. Will not impede the normal and orderly development and improvement of surrounding vacant property. <br />The surrounding parcels are owned and operated by the applicant and support their agricultural research <br />operations. <br /> <br />Staff does not see a need to impose specific conditions to satisfy this standard. <br /> <br />4. Will be served adequately by and will not adversely affect essential public facilities and services including streets, police and fire <br />protection, drainage, refuse disposal, water and sewer systems, parks and schools; and will not, in particular, create traffic <br />congestion or interference with traffic on adjacent and neighboring public thoroughfares. <br />The new facility will need to comply with state building codes regarding fire suppression and safety. This <br />may require installation of a fire sprinkler system, which may be possible through the expansion of public <br />utilities in the area. The proposed mill will not negatively impact any public services or facilities. <br /> <br />Staff does not see a need to impose specific conditions to satisfy this standard. <br /> <br />5. Will not involve uses, activities, processes, materials, equipment and conditions of operation that will be detrimental to any <br />persons or property because of excessive traffic, noise, smoke, fumes, glare, odors, dust or vibrations. <br />The new facility will be housed within a building, reducing possible impacts from noise and dust that <br />occur during the milling process. <br /> <br />Staff does not see a need to impose specific conditions to satisfy this standard. <br /> <br />6. Will not result in the destruction, loss or damage of a natural, scenic or historic feature of major importance. <br />While construction will occur on site, the use will not result in the destruction, loss or damage of a natural, <br />scenic or historic feature of major importance. <br /> <br />Staff does not see a need to impose specific conditions to satisfy this standard. <br /> <br />7. Will fully comply with all other requirements of this Code, including any applicable requirements and standards for the <br />issuance of a license or permit to establish and operate the proposed use in the city. <br />The use will fully comply with all other requirements of this Code, including any applicable requirements <br />and standards for the issuance of a license or permit to establish and operate the proposed use in the city. <br /> <br />Staff does not see a need to impose specific conditions to satisfy this standard. <br /> <br />If denial of such a permit should occur, it shall accompany recommendations or determinations by findings or a <br />report stating how the proposed use does not comply with the standards set forth in Section 30-654. <br /> <br />N:\\Departments\\Community Development\\Planning\\Agendas\\PC Packets\\2022\\01-25-2022\\Final\\5.2 sr Cargill.docx <br />