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EXHIBIT A <br />Grantee agrees to comply with the following additional provisions: <br />1 Reporting <br />The Grantee will be required to complete an annual report which will include such information and will be <br />in the format provided by MHFA. Once the Project is complete and the rental units are suitable for <br />occupancy, and prior to final disbursement of Grant Funds, the Grantee will be required to complete a final <br />report which will include such information and will be in the format provided by MHFA. <br />2 Accounting <br />For all expenditures of Grant Funds made pursuant to this Grant Contract Agreement, the Grantee must <br />keep financial records, including properly executed contracts, invoices, and other documents sufficient to <br />evidence in proper detail the nature and propriety of the expenditures. Accounting methods must be in <br />accordance with generally accepted accounting principles. <br />3 Records Retention <br />The Grantee is responsible for the records retention requirements of all third parties. <br />4 Monitoring <br />The Grantee will be monitored annually. This will take place at the time of annual reporting. Monitoring <br />could include a phone call and/or a site visit by MHFA staff. <br />Prior to final disbursement of Grant Funds, MHFA will also ask to review the most recent disbursement <br />records. This will include a reconciled account balance showing when Grant Funds were received by the <br />Grantee and disbursed to the third party. MHFA reserves the right to ask for additional information. <br />5 Compliance with Local, State and Federal Laws <br />The Grantee and any third parties must comply with all locals state and federal laws, rules, regulations and <br />ordinances, as well as any applicable MHFA policies, including, but not limited to, the following: <br />(a) Recipients and subrecipients must comply with Visitability requirements at 462-4.34 <br />October 2021 Workforce Housing Development Program Competitive Grant Agreement <br />