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Memorandum <br /> <br />To: Parks and Recreation Commission <br /> <br />From: Michael Hecker, Parks and Recreation Director <br /> <br />Date: December 8, 2021 <br /> <br />Subject: Director’s Report <br /> <br />This report is a monthly highlight of department activities related to recent collaborations, strategic <br />planning, staff changes/developments, and park operations. <br /> <br />Active Elk River - Orono Park & YAC <br />Orono Park has basically been winterized for the season. Some work may continue the park pavilion. <br />Both the splash pad and skate park are 95% completed. Most of the work remaining for YAC is interior <br />work on the concessions building which should be completed by the end of this year. The YAC <br />restroom building, and landscaping will be completed spring 2022. <br /> <br />Orono Park is only open for skate boarders (with no snow or ice on the skate park) and access to the <br />lake through the parking lot for snowmobilers. The Park and parking lots next to the playground need <br />to stay closed until New Look has completed their work spring 2022. Only the new outside trail will be <br />cleared of snow by city maintenance for the new Hwy 10 and city Orono Lake loop trail. <br /> <br />Christmas Special Events <br />Santa in the Park is Saturday, December 4, 2 – 5 pm at Rivers Edge Commons Park. Tree lighting will <br />follow. It has been two years since Santa and Mrs. Claus have visited Elk River (It’s a new Santa this year <br />since the one from two years ago retired). The event includes a petting zoo, kids craft stations and a <br />goodie bag. The actual bags might not be big enough as we received a record number of donations from <br />local businesses. <br />On the same day, Dec. 4, the FT Center will host their first large event in the fieldhouse- Holiday Makers <br />Market from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., and the Elk River High School Boys will host their first home hockey <br />game. <br />Item: 9