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3 <br /> <br />All Cities – Sump Pump PSA <br /> As I 'm sure, many of you know <br />when sump pump water is d rained into <br />the sewer system. The city treat s extra <br />water, which raises the price for everyone, <br />treating ground water that is arguably <br />already clean. I've put together a more <br />"modern" type of PSA t o help get the <br />word out as to why you would not want to <br />do this. With some stock footage I pay for <br />and some extra shots I couldn't find <br />stock footage for. While I have a long <br />way to go in mastering wording, I could <br />use suggestions to polish it. <br />I look forward to receiving feedback to <br />better my PSA 's like this in the future. <br /> <br />Cokato – Fire Station <br /> While the COVID -19 pandemic <br />continued to flourish, it became apparent to <br />the Cokato Fire Department that they could <br />not celebrate their 125th anniversary as <br />planned. The Museum director had already <br />planned a surprise exhibit and decided to <br />add a historical video for them. Our work <br />on the Akerlund Documentary became <br />paused as we switched gears to do a doc on <br />the Fire Department 's History. This hour-long doc will feature narrated history from its <br />formation in 1896 through the 1970s before switching to taped interviews from its current <br />firefighters. It will cover various topics, from Cokato's big fires to firefighting today. <br /> This project has led to a lot of growth in lighting, color, and interviewing. As I <br />interviewed, you can see the lighting gradually improve with some significant changes applied to <br />Buffalo's Employee Recruitment Video. <br /> <br />(Uncolored -Flat Profile) <br /> <br />