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Elk River Public Library Board <br />July 27th, 2021 <br />Page 3 <br />b. Grounds walk through and rain garden planting update with Justin <br />Femrite, City of Elk River Public Works Director <br />■ The Board walked around the grounds and outside of the building <br />stopping to review areas such as parking lot rain garden plantings, the <br />library book drop, the southeast side of the building, the drainage <br />area at the back of the building, and the northeast side of the building <br />where the junior master gardener's planter boxes will eventually be <br />placed. Due to Covid-19, the junior master gardener's program has <br />been temporarily suspended by the University of Minnesota <br />Extension Service which administers the program. <br />■ One half of the rain garden in the center of the parking lot was <br />planted in June with plants purchases from Bachman's as show on <br />the June financial report. The other half of the rain garden will be <br />planted this fall. <br />c. Prioritize CIP items recommended for budget next year. <br />■ The board returned to the community room after the walk through <br />to discuss the areas of concern in the building and the grounds and to <br />prioritize them. Commissioner Keifenheim asked Mr. Femrite at <br />what point is it decided that the cork floor is a priority for <br />replacement. Mr. Femrite said it is really at the discretion of the <br />Board although the flooring is not considered hazardous at this point. <br />With no other major concerns in the building over the next 4 to 5 <br />years the flooring would be the next priority in his mind. <br />Commissioner Keifenheim asked why the cork was the choice when <br />it was installed. Ms. Schake and Mr. Femrite suggested for aesthetics' <br />and sustainability as a guess. There also isn't a way to clean it to <br />remove the stains. Commissioner Blaske asked if a rug could be <br />placed over the cork to hide the stains. Ms. Schake said that could be <br />an option. <br />The Board next discussed the chairs in the children's area and the <br />fireplace area. Commissioner Boeher suggested putting one of the <br />upholstered chairs in the board book area before purchasing more. <br />Ms. Schake said there is plenty of seating in the children's area right <br />now to take a chair and move it elsewhere without it being missed. <br />The Board also discussed possibly moving some of the chairs from <br />the fiction area to the area by the fireplace, if need be, but the colors <br />do not match, and fireplace chairs are larger than what is needed. <br />The CIP items were identified as follows and numbered for priority. <br />1. Ten mesh back computer chairs. Five for the public and five for <br />the staff. <br />2. Replace or re -upholstery the chairs by the fireplace area. <br />3. Replace the rug in the fiction area. <br />4. Move one of the upholstered chairs in the children's area into the <br />board book area and consider purchasing another or reupholstering <br />eventually. <br />r�vIRII I <br />NAIURE <br />