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DRAFT FOR REVIEW ONLY <br />CHAPTER 8PARKS, OPEN SPACE & NATURAL RESOURCES PLAN <br />Elk River is home to 44 parks and recreation facilities as well <br />as over 1,000 acres of parkland. Parks are essential to the City’s <br />high quality of life, offering recreational opportunities ranging <br />from baseball and soccer fields, to cross country skiing and <br />mountain biking trails. In addition, open space and natural <br />resources in the City provide residents and visitors opportu- <br />nities for leisure activities and a chance to connect with the <br />natural environment and add to the overall attractiveness of the <br />community. With the Elk River, Lake Orono, and the Mississippi <br />River at its core, the City is home to an impressive assembly of <br />assets grounded in nature, preserving and expanding access to <br />these amenities is key to planning for growth in Elk River. The <br />Parks, Open Space, and Natural Resources chapter provides <br />guidance and recommendations on how the City can balance <br />growth and expand access to parks, open space, and natural <br />resources for all residents across the community. <br />Elk River Comprehensive Plan • Parks, Open Space & Natural Resources Plan 105