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Special Meeting of the Elk River Parks and <br />Recreation Commission <br />Held at the Elk River City Hall <br />Wednesday, August 25, 2021 <br /> <br />Members Present: Chair Williams, Commission members Anderson, Holmgren, Loidolt, <br />Niziolek, Rathbun, and Soltvedt <br /> <br />Members Absent: None <br /> <br />Council Liaison: Ms. Wagner – via Zoom <br /> <br />Staff Present: Parks and Recreation Director, Michael Hecker, Recreation Assistant, Ali <br />Wallace <br /> <br />1. Call Meeting to Order <br /> <br />Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, the special meeting of the Elk River Parks and <br />Recreation Commission was called to order at 5:06 p.m. by Chair Williams. <br /> <br />3. Discuss Park Projects and Park Improvement Fund <br /> Mr. Hecker shared his staff report. <br />Council member Wagner suggested we do a reference search of other agencies that have <br />had HKGi do an analysis for them in the past. She asked if we could get better pricing if <br />we entered a contract with HKGi to do both the Athletic Fields Demand Analysis and <br />Athletic Fields master Planning? She also suggests finding out if everything that was <br />included was necessary or if there is something they wish had been included in the analysis. <br />Mr. Hecker shared the Ninja/Fitcore Challenge Course presentation. He suggested that <br />the Ninja/Fitcore system could be paid for with park dedication funds since it’s a new <br />addition to the park. <br />Council member Wagner suggests having a plan for ongoing maintenance costs for new <br />park equipment. <br />Chair Williams confirmed the commission would like to move Lions Park Ninja/Fitcore <br />System $270,000.00, Orono Park Security Cameras $17,000.00, and Orono Park Pickleball <br />Shade Structures $14,000.00, and possibly Orono Park Pickleball Windscreen $4,500.00 to <br />the park dedication fund. <br />Mr. Hecker asked if there was anything they felt needed to be added to the budget. <br />Commissioner Soltvedt suggested having nets installed at the Youth Athletic Complex to <br />protect people from foul balls. He also suggested having a placeholder to put money into <br />for special things that come up, such as volleyball nets.