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Planning Commission Page 3 <br /> May 25,2021 <br /> Commissioner Jordan asked if there were additional police reports. <br /> Mr. Leeseberg stated what was included in the packet is what he received from the <br /> police department. <br /> Commissioner Jordan asked if there is a privacy fence enclosing the back yard. <br /> Mr. Leeseberg stated there was. <br /> Commissioner Jordan expressed concerns with the CUP staying with the property, <br /> He asked if there is a process to remove the permit if the conditions are not being <br /> met. <br /> Mr. Leeseberg stated the only mechanism to revoke a CUP is if the applicant does <br /> not follow the outlined conditions in the CUP. <br /> Commissioner Jordan stated his concerns are for the property's small size and the <br /> ability to keep the neighborhood out of turmoil. He stated he does not like the idea <br /> of having to send city staff out to take care of these matters and felt this was setting <br /> the city up for failure. <br /> Commissioner Beise stated he tended to agree and wondered what would happen if <br /> they allowed neighboring homes to also keep 10 animal units. He felt it would be <br /> creating a problem for city staff and the lots in this neighborhood are too small to <br /> house so many animals. <br /> Chair Larson-Vito stated she did not believe the proposed conditions would support <br /> the CUP. She felt in her opinion that this request does not meet the criteria for <br /> applicable regulation #1: Will not endanger, injure or detrimentally affect the use and enjoyment <br /> of other property in the immediate vicinity or the public health, safety, morals, comfort, convenience or <br /> general welfare of the neighborhood or the dty. <br /> Moved by Commissioner Jordan and seconded by Commissioner Rydberg to <br /> recommend denial of the request for a Conditional Use Permit CU 21-07 for a <br /> private kennel at 18857 Albany St. NW on the basis it does not meet the <br /> criteria for applicable regulation#1: Will not endanger,injure or detrimentally <br /> affect the use and enjoyment of other property in the immediate vicinity or the <br /> public health, safety, morals, comfort, convenience or general welfare of the <br /> neighborhood or the city. <br /> Motion carried 7-0. <br /> 5.2 Providence S&S LLC and Shawn Logan, 13275 207th Ave. NW & 75- <br /> 1 17-3100 <br /> ■ Preliminary Plat of Majestic Oaks, Case No. P 21-04 <br /> Mr. Leeseberg presented the staff report. <br /> rR ' ERER R1 <br /> NATURE <br />