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<br />Affidavit of Publication <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />STATE OF MINNESOTA ) <br />)ss. <br />COUNTY OF SHERBURNE) <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />ORDiNAN'CE NO. 92:. 30 <br />.CITY OF E1.&anz&a <br />AN <br />SECl'lO.N<-2ll' <br />The10J:' ~ <br />River!lOlllll ..... .orda . . .. . . ~: <br />Seeti0J11.'nte Cityof~k :aiver COde <br />of OrdInances,. Section. ~1~'02(2), is <br />alllElndeiJ. ~re.adllSfoq()Ws: i <br />(2).~ld,;~rtt)l'ED(i!River <br />~IADCltI)t d$sign~.. . , .' <br />..... . .~~-~COde <br />.ofOF~11.g1.'04, . is <br />alllElD~:! '..< . <br />.8ectio ;..~ Pi)wers ancl Duties. <br />Thel{ealthPelivery CoIlUDi~ie~ shall <br />have th!>se powers alld dut~eshnposed <br />upon Com- <br />DllssionshaIl: <br />. 1. Listen and'respond 't\) oo~nity <br />mput ~d oommellts on the. d~li~ry of <br />emergency IllEldical transportation ser~ <br />vi~in the City of Elk River. <br />.~:.1~1.;1":' lit,.. <br />:s.\.~&;~ <br /> <br />eme~ medical t~ion ser- <br />vicelIr,:'!"j , ."''; "-1 <br />4. Sl1bmit anannualrepolt ~the City <br />CouneH. which shall include the <br />Commis!ri.on's fmdings onthell~ds for <br />eme~ medical tnnispot't~tion' ser- <br />vicesiH'6'ride4 in the City oU'=lk River <br /> <br />w~~~:mik~=~de <br /> <br />of~1lees is amended to add Section <br />212.06,8$ follows; <br />Seetion'212.66."~eetin&:$; ..., <br />The CoD1D1ission . shall mee~. at least <br />two t;imes eachcaIeJld!1l' ~n at $Uch <br />tim__ llcells~l1et::9Atmi~ion shall <br />deNQt~~fColnmissi!>n m~t. <br />ings be~swd. at Ci,t)' 1I~1 and <br />pub itl th~ qity",'()!newspa- <br />per. . "'.. . ..... . ' <br />:4.~(lr(lto'ance!$hall be <br />. adoption pl1PIic.t~!>n. &C- <br /> <br />aw,.,......' ',' <br />adop~\lY~ City paun- <br />~~19~R*yer,this7th day <br />;)Y~4~..TlW~Nayor <br />~~Tha~;.;~~I: " <br />.'. (D16) ,. <br /> <br /> <br />QaY\ ..~~ <br /> <br />being duly sworn, on oath says that he/she is the publisher or <br />authorized agent and employee ofthe publisher of the newspa- <br />per known as The Elk River Star News, and has full knowledge <br />ofthe facts which are stated below: <br />(A) The newspaper has complied with all the requirements <br />constituting qualification as a qualified newspaper, as provided <br />by Minnesota Statute 331A.02, 331A.07, and other applicable <br />laws, as amended., -v1 _ <br />(B)Theprinted O'~~ Il.(). Cj()-30 <br /> <br />which is attached was cut from the columns of said newspaper, <br />and was printed and published once each week, for' -!lic- <br />cessivew~ks;itwasfirstpublishedon Wednesday, the /Co <br />day of ~~ , 19 ~ and was thereafter <br />printed and published on every Wednesday to and including <br />Wednesday, the_day of ,19_; <br />and printed below is a copy of the lower case alphabet from A to <br />Z, both inclusive, which is hereby acknowledged as being the size <br />and kind of type used in the composition and publication of the <br />notice. <br /> <br />a b c d e f g h ij k I m n 0 p q I' S t u v w x y z <br /> <br />( , <br /> <br />.I I <br /> <br />BY: C <br />TITLE: <br /> <br />) ""1 "~C <br /> <br /> <br />Su~cribed anq sworn to before me on this <br />~ ,19q~. <br /> <br />NO~~ !!1 ~ <br /> <br />, 7'fA <br /> <br />day of <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />RATE INFORMATION <br />(1) Lowest classified rate paid by <br />commercial users for comparable <br />space <br />(2) Maximum rate allowed by law for <br />the above matter <br />(3) Rate actually charged for the <br />above matter <br /> <br />$ (01.50 <br />$ L/3H7 <br />$ 4-3. q 1 <br />