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Parks & Recreation Commission Minutes Page 3 <br />February 10, 2021 <br />----------------------------- <br /> <br />need to be done. He suggests plowing out an area to the south of the lot to add a <br />few temporary parking spots and we can continue to use the parking lot at the golf <br />course. <br /> <br />Commissioner Niziolek thinks the increase in use is driven by the new amenities at <br />the park and thinks the usage will continue to increase dramatically. <br /> <br />Commissioner Rathbun also agrees there has been an increase in park usage due to <br />the new features which justify adding more parking spots. <br /> <br />Chair Williams also feels like this plan is reactionary. He mentioned he had Mr. <br />Hecker check to see if the cost could be paid out of the Pavement Management <br />Fund but it can’t. It would need to be paid with funds from Park Dedication and he <br />is not supportive of that. <br /> <br />Commissioner Soltvedt asked what the approximate fund balance is of the Park <br />Dedication Fund. <br /> <br />Chair Williams said there is $511,000 but there will be some funds going towards the <br />Highway 10 trail. <br /> <br />Commissioner Niziolek stated that there is not neighborhood parking available and <br />can only park in this parking lot. County Road 1 is too dangerous, and we need to <br />keep everyone in this area to keep it safe. <br /> <br />Commissioner Rathbun suggests that if there isn’t support for this proposal that <br />there could be exploration to a second-tier option for expanding parking. <br /> <br />Moved by Commissioner Anderson and seconded by Commissioner Rathbun <br />to accept staff recommendation of the expansion of the Woodland Trails <br />Regional Park parking lot. Motion fails 4-3. <br /> <br />Commissioner Soltvedt asked if we have received any feedback or complaints from <br />the Elk River Golf Course regarding people parking in the overflow area during the <br />winter months. <br /> <br /> Mr. Hecker and Chair Williams have not heard of any complaints. <br /> <br />Commissioners discussed the expansion and where the money will come from. Some <br />supported it and some did not. Some Commissioners want a large parking lot but <br />don’t want to spend the money when there are more important projects. <br />