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8.1 PRSR 02-10-2021
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8.1 PRSR 02-10-2021
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2/5/2021 3:01:15 PM
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2/5/2021 3:01:00 PM
City Government
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<br />2 <br /> <br />A quality recreation program will provide opportunities for the pursuit of joy and pleasure, excitement, <br />challenge, and individual expression. Each recreation program planned by Elk River Parks and Recreation <br />has a stated, written objective and delivery method that address these fundamental concept <br />DEPARTMENT OVERVIEW <br /> The department was first created in 1990 …. <br />With 42 parks and recreation facilities and over 1,000 acres of parkland, the city is in great position to <br />strengthen the connections to nature for resident and visitors alike. The Great Northern Trail passes from <br />north to south through the city. Tonya will work on this. Programs-------------history <br />The Furniture and Things Community Event Center (FTCEC) softly opened in July 2020 as the <br />Multipurpose Facility right in the middle of the COVID-19 pandemic. On Monday, October 19, 2020 <br />the City of Elk River entered into naming rights agreement with Furniture and Things, a longtime local <br />business. The Center was closed most of November and December 2020 because of the pandemic and the <br />Governor’s Executive Orders. <br />The Center has a soft opening in January 2021. The soft opening included: limited Senior Center <br />programs, ice time, walking program, and in person registrations. It has the potential for program <br />offerings unsurpassed anywhere in the region. This state-of-the-art facility includes two ice arenas, a <br />30,000 S.F. field house, indoor tracks, a senior center, and a variety of program and multipurpose rooms. <br />FTCEC allows for all ages, genders, and cultures to utilize the space and all its amenities provided. <br />History on get to where we are today with the FTCEC. On November 6, 2018, a sales tax referendum <br />was passed 6,830 in favor (65%) and 3,702 against. It was a .5% sale tax on purchases within the City of <br />Elk River funding the construction of the FTCEC. We began demolition and construction in the early <br />Summer of 2019 with little setbacks. It was approximately a year of construction during the pandemic we <br />were able to have our soft opening in July 2020. <br /> <br />DEPARTMENT MISSION <br />Elk River Parks and Recreation is rich in diverse programs and facilities dedicated to enhancing lives by <br />inspiring play and embracing the nature of our city. <br />DEPARTMENT VISION <br />We envision an accessible system of vibrant community parks, diverse recreation facilities, sustainable <br />park resources, and engaging programs that contribute to healthy individuals and families, an active and <br />tightly knit community, a thriving economy, and a high quality of life in the City of Elk River and region. <br />FURNITURE AND THINGS COMMUNITY EVENT CENTER MISSION <br />Provide an environment of diverse and inclusive activities with opportunities that contribute to the <br />wellbeing of all by listening to the needs and desires of the greater Elk River community. Respecting our <br />past, serving the present and preparing for tomorrow.
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