Laserfiche WebLink
Design for their motivation to put out the best website possible, and the Commission for <br />approving the financing to create the website that ERMU needed. Ms. Canterbury then shared <br />her screen to provide a tour of the site. <br />Commissioner Stewart congratulated staff on the site. She added that she had shared news of <br />the project with Minnesota Municipal Power Agency and its other member communities who <br />may be looking to update their websites. <br />Chair Dietz asked if the web page will feature an article on the 0% rate increase. Mr. Mauren <br />responded that the press release was nearly completed. Mr. Mauren also added to the <br />presentation of the website that the success of the project was due in major part to Ms. <br />Canterbury's hard work and commitment to a successful finished product. <br />6.3 Future Planning <br />Chair Dietz announced the following: <br />a. Regular Commission Meeting —January 12, 2021 <br />b. 2020 Governance Agenda <br />6.4 Other Business <br />Chair Dietz asked if staff was aware of COVID-19 utility bill assistance programs from the <br />County. Ms. Slominski responded that she was aware of those programs but due to the <br />regulations and limitations of those programs, as well as the availability of funds from <br />other organizations, ERMU did not purse them. Ms. Slominski added that ERMU had <br />received reimbursements for costs incurred due to COVID-19 such as remote work <br />equipment. Chair Dietz had additional questions. Staff responded. <br />Chair Dietz asked for an update on the amount of unpaid bills due to the pandemic. Ms. <br />Karpinski responded that at the end of October 2020 the over 90-day bucket for aging <br />accounts receivable is only about 0.4% higher than October 2019. <br />Commissioner Bell shared that he will be attending the January, February, and March <br />commission meetings via teleconference due to travel. <br />7.0 ADJOURN REGULAR MEETING <br />Moved by Commissioner Nadeau and seconded by Commissioner Bell to adjourn the regular <br />meeting of the Elk River Municipal Utilities Commission at 4:15 p.m. Motion carried 5-0. <br />Minutes prepared by Tony Mauren. <br />Elk River Municipal Utilities Commission Meeting Minutes <br />December 8, 2020 <br />Page 5 <br />