<br />Mfidavit of Publication
<br />
<br />--
<br />
<br />Rive
<br />Se
<br />Elk'
<br />amen d 'as foll~ws; , . .' . .
<br />, 21B.nflict ()r i~teres~
<br />. a. l~tr()~q~ti()n~ 'r~e creCiibilitY of
<br />lOeal gQvernmtmt rests heavilYupoll the
<br />co which citizen have ill public
<br />< 9tli. ll~ emplo~ee~ tor~nd~~ fair
<br />and nial SIll'VlCes'.to all Clttzens
<br />,~ ' 9utregarqtOpersoii!t1inte~stand/
<br />"pr Uencll. Thus, Ctty 0$-
<br />IjPA~ . emp oYEjes mu~t scrupu'ously
<br />~lv a~tivitywhic~ suggests a con-
<br />met 0 mterest betweep their private
<br />inBlres~ and City responsibilities. Of-
<br />. ,., and employees ,of the City, or
<br />ily mempers, shall not engage
<br />o financial interest in . any busi-
<br />nes~ or other activity .Which could rea-
<br />sonably lead to a conflict of interest with
<br />.' the official'll or~mployee's primary City
<br />responsibilities. ,IIFami1yritem:he1'S~of
<br />an official or employee $hli.ll be deemed
<br />to beA,the offipial oremployee's'spouse,
<br />parents, children,sibli,.gs, brothers-in-
<br />law, and sisters-in-law and the lineal
<br />descendants of any of them. Examples
<br />of activities which are ~ot in accordance
<br />with this policy incht~e' but are not
<br />limited to the following; '.
<br />, 1. Entering into an~ sale, lease or
<br />contract in violatioll of~innesota $tat-
<br />utes; Section,471:87-471.89; ...,
<br />2. Acceptallce by' a lol:al official of allY
<br />gift from an illtereste~ persoll in \'jola-
<br />tion of Minnesota Statutes Section
<br />471.895; '..' .. .
<br />3. Activities which rljquire the official
<br />or employee to interp~t City codes, or-
<br />dinances or regulations when such ac-
<br />tivity involves .matteri/ with which the
<br />official or employee ha$ business and/or
<br />family ties; ,
<br />4. Consulting activities carried out
<br />within the City if sudh cpnsultingin-
<br />volves talents or skills primarily re-
<br />lated to the offieial's ot employee's City
<br />wor~ responsibilities;. ' .
<br />, 5. :Using an officilil's,or employee's
<br />,authority, in{1uence o~ City position for
<br />the Purpose 0fprivate or personal finan-
<br />cial gabl' ',-:, ' , ,!., , ,
<br />" . 6. The~seofcitytim., facilities, equip-
<br />ment or supplies 'for tlI1e purpose ofpri-
<br />v'ate or personal financial gain; .
<br />7; Entering into a ~siness tralisac-
<br />tionwhen it involves \Ising confidential
<br />information gained inlthe course of em-
<br />ployment; ," . ! " ,
<br />8. Accepting othe~ employmElnt or
<br />pub e where ~t will affect the
<br />offi employee', independence of
<br />ju require use of confidEmtial
<br />info ained as a result of City
<br />du'" : ,', " i'
<br />9. hUe
<br />wor and
<br />10. 'ng
<br />any ding
<br />',p per-
<br />J,:'!
<br />
<br />~'''ilny ilcti .
<br />or potentia conflict estor aving
<br />knQwledge tlf such a ,tivity,..hy-all6th,er"
<br />, official or employee $all promptlyre-
<br />portthe activity to the City Administra-
<br />tor of, if such activity be by the City
<br />\ Administrator, to thEl Mayor. The City
<br />Administrator or M~yor shall investi-
<br />~l;lte the matter and $ake ~ determina-
<br />tion as to whether or not an actual or
<br />potential cQnflict exi~ts. If the City Ad-
<br />ministrator or Mayorideterminee a con-
<br />flict exiets,it shall be ~resumed that the
<br />continuation of the practice wOul4 be
<br />injurious to the effec~veness of the offi-
<br />cial or employee in ~rrying ow his/her
<br />duti~s and responsibilities. In ~~ cases
<br />the official or employee shall immedi-
<br />!itely terminate the 4!1nflicting activity
<br />or be subject to termlnation of ewploy-
<br />ment or removal from office.
<br />b. Officials. FQr'te purPose of this
<br />Section .:U8.08(9), .e term "official"
<br />sh~ include.all elec, d and appointed
<br />officials of the City lllcluding, but not
<br />limited to, th~ City I Council, the Eco-
<br />n oml'cDeVel!lpm'ent~ 'utho.n'ty,a ndthe
<br />,members of. the Bo dsimd Commis-
<br />sions e!'lta!:lUshed b Ghapter II of the
<br />City Codllof Ordin,nces. ~EmpIQyee.
<br />shall include any individual employed
<br />by t}le City on l;l full-lor part-time basis.
<br />c. Elections. No e/,ected official shall
<br />require, either directly orindirectly, any
<br />em.ployees of the Gi~ to campaign on
<br />his/her behalf all a cqndition to eIllploy-
<br />went. No employee ~hall use City time
<br />or resources in prom~ting Qr advocating
<br />the election !If anY~i ' dividual.
<br />d. Applicabilit . Nothing in. this
<br />'POll'cYl'llin,te ndedvt'olate,supersede
<br />or conflict with any applicable state or
<br />federal law regardi g conflicts ofinter-
<br />est in public emplo ent or disclosure
<br />requirements, .' .' ,
<br />. Section 2. This ordinance shall be
<br />effective upon adoption and publication,
<br />accord~ng to law,' ,
<br />.. Passed and adopt;ed bytheCityCoun-
<br />cll of the City ofElk.:j.Uver ,. this 19th day
<br />of December, 1994. .
<br />. Henry Ai. Dqitsman, Mayor
<br />ATTE8T~
<br />
<br />
<br />)ss.
<br />
<br />
<br />~
<br />V(IIA - ,
<br />being duly sworn, on oath say that helshe is the publisher or
<br />authorized agent and employee of the publisher of the newspa-
<br />per known as The Elk River Star News, and has full knowledge
<br />of the facts which are stated below:
<br />(A) The newspaper has complied with all the requirements
<br />constituting qualification as a qualified newspaper, as provided
<br />by Minnesota Statute 331A.02, 331A.07, and other applicable
<br />laws, as amended.
<br />(B) The printed
<br />
<br />o.~ 'flo. 9t/-2D
<br />
<br />which is attached was cut from the columns of said newspaper,
<br />and was printed and published once each week, for ( ~c-
<br />cessive weeks; it was first published on Wednesday, the O2<6-.!.
<br />day of fJ Q.,.eli/J/yl) )-f..., , Iff! if ,and was thereafter
<br />printed and published on every Wednesday to and including
<br />Wednesday, the _ day of ,19_;
<br />and printed below is a copy of the lower case alphabet from A to
<br />Z, both inclusive, which is hereby acknowledged as being the size
<br />and kind of type used in the composition and publication of the
<br />notice.
<br />
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<br />}::, if .
<br />BY: 10/V\. r+e~
<br />TITLE: ~)
<br />
<br />Subscribed and sworn to before me on this ::( ~ day of
<br />,t;JJ)-r~l) ,19~.
<br />
<br />~ VVI. ~~
<br />
<br />Notary Public
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />RATE
<br />(1) Lowest classified rate paid by
<br />commercial users for comparable
<br />space
<br />(2) Maximum rate allowed by law for
<br />the above matter
<br />(3) Rate actually charged for the
<br />above matter
<br />
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<br />A1\;C(/\ COUNTY
<br />11SSION EXPIFIES 6-10-99
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<br />$ J"'O.OO
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