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Transportation/Circulation <br /> Access to and from the site will occur at the one existing access on Industrial Boulevard. Internal <br /> circulation is around the east side of the building to the rear of the building where the loading doors are <br /> located. <br /> The property is in an industrial park where large vehicle traffic occurs daily. There are no sidewalks for <br /> pedestrian traffic. <br /> Parking <br /> Manufacturing,fabricating general industrial.-six stalls plus one off street parking space for each 500 square feet of floor <br /> area. <br /> The manufacturing floor area of the subject building is 1,530 square feet requiring 6 plus 3 parking stalls <br /> for a total of 9 parking stalls. <br /> Nightclub, tavern or ban one parking space for every 50 square feet of floor area. <br /> The tap room floor area of the subject building is 2,250 square feet requiring 45 parking stalls. <br /> Oce building:one parking space for each 300 square feet of floor area. <br /> The office space floor of the subject building is 4,500 square feet requiring 15 parking stalls. <br /> A total of 69 parking stalls are required based on the proposed project. The site has 32 striped parking <br /> stalls and what appears to be room for approximately 42 additional stalls, for a total of approximately 74 <br /> stalls. When they occupy the entire building for their tap room and brewery,the site will require around <br /> 80-85 parking stalls. At that time,they will need to provide the required parking or apply for a variance <br /> to deviated from the parking requirements. <br /> The applicant has indicated Industrial Boulevard has parking but other than in the core downtown <br /> district, street parking has not been utilized to meet parking requirements. With the applicant's initial <br /> plans, the required parking can be installed on their property. Street parking may be utilized for overflow <br /> parking when the required on-site parking is full. <br /> Patio Space <br /> The applicant is proposing several patio areas on the property. One fenced patio area will be north of the <br /> parking/circulation area and is located on grass. A second is proposed in the paved area north of the <br /> building/loading area. Two areas are also shown in the grassy areas west and south of the building. <br /> State Statue �340A.410, Subd. 7 states: "A licensing authority may issue a retail alcoholic beverage license <br /> only for a space that is compact and contiguous". The various patio areas are not compact and <br /> contiguous. A site plan showing a single compact and contiguous space and how this space will be <br /> permanently delineated will be required. <br /> The project will require a licensed architect to provide signed drawings,with code review, for any work <br /> completed in and/or on the building, and shall include any proposed or future outdoor seating. <br /> Landscaping <br /> The ordinance requires 26 trees for the property. The exiting tree inventory satisfies this requirement. <br />