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The proposed subdivision is consistent with the honing regulations (article VI of this chapter) and conforms in <br />all respects with all requirements of this Code, including the honing regulations and this article. <br />If a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) establishing a residential PUD (CU 20-07) and the land <br />use amendment (LU 20-02) are granted, the proposed subdivision will be consistent with all <br />zoning regulations. <br />2. The proposed subdivision is consistent with all applicable general and specialised city, county, and regional <br />plans, including, but not limited to, the city's comprehensive development plan. <br />If a land use amendment is granted, the proposed subdivision will be consistent with all plans. <br />3. The physical characteristics of the site,' din but not limited to topography, soils, vegetation, susceptibility to <br />erosion and siltation, susceptibility to flooding and drainage are suitable for the type and density of development <br />and uses contemplated <br />With stormwater and wetland regulations, the physical characteristics of the site are suitable <br />for the type and density of development and uses contemplated. <br />4. The proposed subdivision makes adequate provision for mater supply, storm drainage, sen age transportation, <br />erosion control and all other services, facilities and improvements otherwise required in this article. <br />The subdivision includes infrastructure to meet city requirements. Additional permits <br />required to comply with erosion control standards are required and will be secured prior to <br />building permit issuance. <br />5. The proposed subdivision will not cause substantial environmental damage. <br />Although trees may be removed, the subdivision will not cause substantial environmental <br />damage. <br />6. The proposed subdivision will not conflict with easements of record or with easements established by judgment of <br />a court. <br />With approval of an easement vacation, the proposed subdivision will not conflict with <br />easements of record or with easements established by judgment of a court. <br />7. The proposed subdivision will not have an undue and adverse impact on the reasonable development of <br />neighboring land. <br />Most of the surrounding properties are developed with homes and commercial uses with two <br />vacant developable commercial parcels in the development. The proposed subdivision will <br />not impact reasonable development of neighboring land. <br />8. The proposed subdivision is notpremature. A subdivision ispremature if any of the follonring exists: <br />a. Lack of adequate stormwater drainage. <br />b. Lack of adequate roads. <br />c. Lack of adequate sanitary sewer systems. <br />d. Lack of adequate off-site public improvements or support systems. <br />The subdivision is not premature as the above conditions have been provided for. <br />Financial Impact <br />None <br />