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<br />April 16, 2020 <br /> <br /> <br />City of Elk River <br />13065 Orono Parkway <br />Elk River, MN 55330 <br />Attn: City Councilmembers <br /> <br />RE: Elk Ridge Lodge <br /> Letter of Support <br /> <br />Dear Planning Commission Members, <br />I am providing this statement in regards to the land use approvals requested by CommonBond related to Elk Ridge <br />Lodge at the Elk Ridge Shopping Center. CommonBond has a purchase agreement with us for this site and is proposing <br />to develop an approximately 60-unit, new construction multifamily apartment building. <br /> <br />We are eager to work with CommonBond on this project. I understand that some may have concerns about rezoning <br />this site from commercial to residential, but in our opinion, the site’s highest and best use is fulfilled by CommonBond’s <br />proposal. We say this with great confidence, as our firm has developed properties across all commercial product types <br />in our nearly 20 years of existence. Simply put, we would not be looking to sell this property if we saw a demand for a <br />commercially-oriented use – as we would develop it ourselves. We shared this feedback with the City Council when the <br />project was first reviewed in May 2019 and continue to feel this way. <br /> <br />We have marketed the site for 15 years for a variety of different commercial uses including junior box retail and medical <br />office, but failed to receive any feasible interest or purchase offers. We believe the market is clearly indicating that a <br />commercial use for the site is not likely any time in the near or distant future. We also believe that even after the <br />planned reconstruction of Highway 169 intersections, this will continue to be the case. This is because as the site is <br />tucked so far back from the highway, it does not have sufficient visibility to garner commercial/retail interest. The <br />remaining developable land in the shopping center, totaling approximately 3.49 acres, is a far better candidate for <br />commercial development as it is much closer to and more visible from the highway and we will continue to pursue those <br />types of users earnestly. <br /> <br />We also consider CommonBond’s proposed use to be highly additive to our existing property as it will add a highly <br />visible, multi-story structure with a design consistent to the already developed parcels, providing the area greater <br />visibility and a stronger sense of place. I know that CommonBond has made design enhancements since its initial <br />application to strengthen the visual connection and consistency with the neighboring buildings. The project will help <br />provide the live-work-play element that is so critical to successful mixed-use developments. The proposed <br />Commonbond development will also be complimentary and add residents and potential customers to the site, which will <br />make the current businesses that much more viable and sustainable. Finally, we believe the development will also be <br />accomplished in manner that improves circulation within the existing drive network of the site. <br /> <br />Thank you for the opportunity to provide our feedback for your consideration. Please feel free to contact me with any <br />questions at or 612-355-2608. <br /> <br />Sincerely, <br /> <br />Ben Krsnak <br />Hempel Companies