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<br /> <br />Three River Montessori <br />March 31, 2020 <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />Transportation Narrative <br /> <br />The proposed project is the reuse of the upper level of an existing office building at 17267 Yale Street, <br />for a new building for Three River Montessori. The project calls for the rehabilitation of the upper level <br />of the existing building with limited changes to the site, except to improve student drop off and pick up <br />operations. Once complete, the remodeled building will serve approximately 75-students, beginning in <br />the 2020-2021 school year. <br /> <br />The school anticipates an enrollment of 80-students with approximately 65% using provided bus service <br />and the other 35% coming by car. Based on the listed percentages, approximately 52-students would be <br />bused and we are providing bus staging one full-sized (35-students) bus and on smaller bus (17- <br />students). Assuming approximately 35% arrive by car leads to approximately 28-students. Typically, <br />there are 1.5-students per car, which equates to approximately 20-car “transactions” at pickup and <br />drop-off times. <br /> <br />The two critical times for school transportation planning are the morning drop-off and afternoon pick- <br />up. The attached diagrams show the proposed staging for each critical time period and how the above <br />noted staging is accomplished. <br /> <br />Morning Drop-off (a.m.) <br /> <br />Due to the naturally staggered timing of morning drop-offs, this time period is much less demanding on <br />a site. Both cars and buses will use the drop-off lane adjacent to building under the canopy. Given the <br />naturally staggered drop-offs, all vehicles will be on-site and we do not anticipate any cars staging on <br />Yale Street. <br /> <br />Afternoon Pick-up (p.m.) <br /> <br />In the afternoon, when most students are dismissed relatively simultaneously, we anticipated staged <br />buses to be parked in the drive aisle closest to the building. Once loaded, buses will have the right-of- <br />way over the staged cars and generally pull out at the same time. <br /> <br />Cars will stage in the lane(s) closest to Yale Street and stage side-by-side as the width of the lane allows <br />as shown in the attached diagram. While buses are staged and filling, cars will be allowed to load and <br />exit the site. Additional cars, may also stage in the entrance drive to the lower lot. The afternoon pick-up <br />diagram shows staging on-site for 12-cars simultaneously. Although there is a greater likelihood of cars <br />arriving simultaneously in the afternoon, we anticipate that there will still be 5- to 10-minutes of timing <br />stagger for the 20 cars estimated to be picking up and that vehicles will not need to stage on Yale Street. <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />You created this PDF from an application that is not licensed to print to novaPDF printer (