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<br />VILLAGE OF ELK RIVER COUNCIL MEETING <br />May 5, 1941 <br /> <br />A regular meeting was held at the Municipal Bldg on May 5, 1941 at 7:30 P.M. <br /> <br />Members present: <br /> M.C. Tesch, Pres; Frank Nickerson, E.L. Shadick, and G.A. Bailey, Trustees; J. <br />Clinton Walker, Clerk <br /> <br />The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. <br /> <br />Carl Marohen was present and requested food stamps stating that he had been off W.P.A. since <br />th <br />April the 4 and that his boy was sick in bed. Carl Marohn was allowed an $8.00 food stamp order. <br /> <br />Mr. Lester was present and registered a complaint against the junk yard run by Mr. C.E. Booth, <br />stating that it was unsightly and a nuisance. <br /> <br />Joseph A. Johnston again asked for a permit to build a garage on Lot. No. 25 of Auditors <br />Subdivision No. 3 to the Village of Elk River. <br /> <br />After considerable discussion the Council went on record as being opposed to the operation of a <br />junk yard on Lot No. 25 of Auditors Sub. No. 3. <br /> <br />No action was taken on Mr. Johnston building permit until the Council could find out what <br />jurisdiction it had in getting the junk yard removed. <br /> <br />L.J. Bethke stated that his wife was in the Hospital and asked for food stamps and his rent to be <br />stst <br />paid. He was allow a $10.00 food stamp book and $10.00 rent from May 1 to June 1. <br /> <br />Nels Christensen applied for “off” and “on” sale beer license and for a pin ball machine license at <br />his restaurant. <br /> <br />A motion was made by E.L. Shadick to grant Nels Christensen “Off” and “On” sale Beer Licenses <br />and a pin ball machine license providing his son Orville does not attend bar during the life of the <br />license. This situation being made because Orville had previously been denied a license by a former <br />Village Council. Frank Nickerson seconded the motion. Motion carried. <br /> <br />A motion was made by Frank Nickerson that $50 be turned over to the Recreation Committee for <br />the purchase of lights for the Athletic field. The motion was seconded by E.L. Shadick and carried. <br /> <br />A petition for the extension of the sewer system from the point of its present termination as <br />planned to the north west corner of Lot 19 of Block 1, North Park Addition was presented to the <br />Council. Mayor M.C. Tesch stated that due action would be taken on the petition at the proper time. <br /> <br />A motion was made by Frank Nickerson and seconded by G.A. Bailey to provide Marshal Chas. <br />Nelson with a new uniform. Motion carried. <br /> <br /> <br />