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Special Meeting of the Elk River <br />Economic Development Authority <br />Held at the Elk River City Hall <br />Monday, November 18, 2019 <br />Members Present: President Dan Tveite, Commissioners Garrett Christianson, Matt <br />Westgaard, Nate Ovall (5:15), Jennifer Wagner, Jeff Hartwig, and <br />Charlie Blesener <br />Members Absent: None <br />Staff Present: Economic Development Director Amanda Othoudt, Economic <br />Development Specialist Colleen Eddy, and City Clerk Tina Allard <br />I . Call Meeting to Order <br />Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, the meeting of the Elk River Economic <br />Development Authority was called to order at 5:00 p.m. by President Tveite. <br />2. Consider Agenda <br />Moved by Commissioner Blesener and seconded by Commissioner Wagner to <br />approve the agenda. <br />Motion carried 6-0. <br />3.1 EDA Strategic Plan Draft RFP <br />Ms. Othoudt presented the staff report. <br />Chair Tviete stated the timeline is crucial and the proposals should be due by early <br />March. <br />It was noted the entire commission would like to be part of the process versus <br />having a subcommittee. <br />Commissioner Wagner stated there are many items being requested in the proposal <br />and questioned whether the budget of $50,000 is reasonable. <br />Ms. Othoudt stated she included everything she could think of for the commission <br />to consider and they could pull items they didn't feel were important. <br />Commissioner Christianson questioned if it is common for an EDA to contract out <br />for strategic planning. He stated he believes the authority is already doing some of <br />the items and that others could be done in-house. <br />