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i. Residents and students from 1001 School St and Lions Park will most likely continue to cross <br />there after the semaphore is moved further west from their building. Human nature is not to <br />walk a block west, cross at a controlled intersection, then walk a block back east to access the <br />school when it is directly across the road from their house or park. This is why there is a <br />“jaywalking” statute. This creates a danger to the residents and students trying to navigate 4 <br />lanes of traffic, even with a flashing crosswalk. It also creates a danger to 4 lanes of vehicular <br />traffic while trying to avoid the students by sudden stops, swerving, or hitting a student. This <br />is now more of a problem as you have a semaphore controlled intersection and a flashing <br />light crosswalk within a few hundred feet of each other. The motorists travelling through are <br />now navigating two pedestrian crossing areas in close proximity. <br />ii. Residents and students of 1105 Lions Park Drive currently cross at the semaphore at Lions <br />Park Dr. If the semaphore is moved to the west entrance of Central Lutheran, those <br />pedestrians will more than likely walk straight north from their building and cut through the <br />west lot of Central Lutheran Church. This presents problems with potential trespassing <br />issues and pedestrians walking through a busy parking lot where staff and customers of the <br />daycare park and drop off/pick up children. It could also interfere with vehicular traffic <br />entering and exiting the church for a funeral. <br />iii. Student athletes and coaches will now have to cross School St to access Lions Park and the <br />softball fields, and then cross back. These practices generally take place after school, during <br />rush hour times. They will most likely be crossing at the flashing intersection at Lions Park <br />Drive, not the safer option of the semaphore controlled crossing further west, and this is <br />dangerous for the same reasons listed above. <br /> <br />b. Residents of 1001 School St, 1105 Lions Park Dr, and visitors to Lions Park currently have a <br />semaphore controlled intersection to safely enter and exit their residences, and the park, from a 4 <br />lane, undivided roadway. If the semaphore is moved to the west, they will lose that safety. <br /> <br />c. Moving the semaphore controlled intersection further west, and close to Proctor Av, will have a <br />direct impact on traffic flow on Proctor Av. Proctor Av is an undivided, 4 lane, major <br />north/south roadway connecting the northern half of Elk River and Sherburne county to the <br />schools, parks, Hwy 10 and Hwy 169. The intersection of Proctor Av and School St is one of the <br />busiest intersections in town during peak morning and evening school times and rush hour. It <br />will now see more congestion as there is much less room for staging on School St, which will in <br />turn back up both north and southbound Proctor Av. <br /> <br />d. The shorter staging distance on School St from the proposed location of the semaphore to <br />Proctor Av will have a direct impact on vehicular traffic of residents entering and exiting their <br />residences in 5 apartment buildings, 1109, 1111, 1115, 1175 and 1179 School St. Their only <br />access is off of School St in the new, shorter, staging area. <br /> <br />6. Please describe how the parking lot configuration complies with MN State Fire Code chapter 5 and <br />appendix D. <br /> <br />7. Have there been any considerations for adding electric vehicle charging stations or adding conduit <br />that could be utilized at a later date? <br /> <br />