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C5.002Civil DetailsCONSTRUCTIONDOCUMENTSwww.bkbm.com6120 Earle Brown Drive, Suite 70Minneapolis, MN 55430Phone: (763) 843-0420Fax: (763) 843-0421BKBMENGINEERSFEDCBA12345678NorthCheck:Drawn:Date:Comm:License Number:DateI hereby certify that this plan, specification or report wasprepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I ama duly Licensed Professional Engineer under the laws of theState of Minnesota.2020 BKBM Professional Engineers, Inc.All rights reserved.This document is an instrument of service and is the property of BKBMProfessional Engineers, Inc. and may not be used or copied withoutprior written consent.BKBM JOB NUMBER: 17445.01CIndependent SchoolDistrict #7282020 Elk RiverHigh SchoolParking LotImprovements11500 193rd Ave. NWElk River, MN 55330KABWH01/03/202018203001/03/202052209RevisionsDescriptionDateNumKevin A. Bohl900 School St NWElk River, MN 55330