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Recommend, by motion, approval of the Preliminary Plat of Trout Ridge Run with the following <br />conditions: <br />1. Review the need for a larger drainage and utility easement to accommodate maintenance traffic for <br />stormwater pipes. <br /> <br />Background/Discussion <br />The applicant, Northstar Land Company, is proposing to subdivide one outlot into six single-family <br />home sites. The property is currently zoned Single-Family (R-1c) where the minimum lot size is 80 feet <br />wide. The proposal reduces the lot widths to 68 feet, which is generally consistent with the adjacent Twin <br />Lakes Estates subdivision. Proposed homes are one-level slab on grade homes with three bedrooms and a <br />three-stall garage. <br /> <br />Comprehensive Plan <br />The Comprehensive Plan guides the area for Urban Residential Uses. The proposed use and rezoning to a <br />residential PUD is supported by the Comprehensive Plan. <br /> <br />Site Plan <br />The six single-family parcels will face east, with driveway access to Tyler Street. The parcels generally align <br />with the homes on the east side of Tyler and are of similar size. Proposed setbacks are 30 feet in the front <br />yard, and 10 feet between buildings. In order to remain consistent with the surrounding neighborhood <br />staff suggests maintaining the setbacks at 15 feet between buildings, or 7.5 foot side yard setbacks. <br /> <br />Engineering and Utilities <br />Properties are graded to split the stormwater runoff to the front and rear of the homes. Due to the <br />existing topography, there is a stormwater basin and pipe infrastructure behind the proposed homes. <br />These lines are considered private utilities and will not be maintained by the city. Staff has included <br />several conditions to ensure the long-term maintenance and viability of this infrastructure. <br /> <br />All homes will be served by city sewer and water. The utility connections will need to be made within the <br />street. <br /> <br />Landscaping <br />The proposed landscape plan shows the required two trees per parcel. These trees must comply with <br />minimum size and location standards outlined in the ordinance. <br /> <br />Parks <br />Park dedication will be required for 6 low-density units. <br /> <br />Applicable Regulations <br />Zone Change <br />In reviewing a proposed amendment, consideration shall be given to existing conditions within the area directly and indirectly <br />affected by the proposal, the conservation of property values, the use to which the property affected is being devoted at the time, <br />and relevant provisions, if any, in the land use plan. <br /> <br />The proposed use complies with the guidance provided in the Land Use Plan. <br /> <br /> <br />