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Housing and Redevelopment Minutes <br />January 6, 2020 <br />Page 4 <br />Page 4: Eligible Applicants Property owners sweat equity. Commissioners wanted to ensure <br />the work done to the home was quality work done up to code and wondered if this was <br />necessary to include. Staff will refer this question to the attorney. <br />Page 4: Eligible Program Costs The Commission discussed lowering the loan program <br />maximum dollar amount from $25,000 to $20,000. Commissioner Eder stated her concerns <br />with a higher forgivable dollar amount which could result in padded demo costs and <br />forgiving more dollars than needed. Commissioner Chuba discussed the goal of the program <br />was trying to get rid of the substandard properties by remodeling and returning them to the <br />tax rolls. Commissioner Eder asked how many bids would be required. After some <br />discussion, the Commission changed the requirement from submitting one bid to two bids. <br />Due to time constraints, Ms. Othoudt will add this policy discuss to a future meeting for continued <br />review and evaluation against the HRA's long-term goals. <br />9. Adjournment <br />Chair Toth adjourned the meeting at 6:29 p.m. <br />Minutes prepared by Jennifer Green. <br />C' �. <br />Tina Allard, City Clerk <br />rry To , Ch air <br />Housing & Redevelopment Authority <br />