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City Council Minutes <br />November 2, 2019 <br />Page 5 <br />( added a concrete surface and move the boat to it. He asked how Council feels about <br />other items such as trailers, campers, and seasonal cars. <br />x <br />Councilmember Ovall stated this may be a good discussion for the ERA community <br />survey process. <br />Councilmember Westgaard concurred with Mayor Dietz stating the ordinance should <br />be revised, but language still needs to give rights to property owners while being <br />cognizant of the neighborhood. <br />Council concurred in directing staff to review alternative options and survey <br />residents. They further suggested researching other communities. <br />There was discussion on whether the boat was considered operable because it wasn't <br />located on a trailer and how other motorized vehicles such as snowmobiles would fit <br />in the parameters. <br />T-mb—S <br />Mr. Carlton reviewed differing types of tarps and questioned which are appropriate. <br />Councilmember Wagner suggested it may not be easy to find manufactured fitted <br />covers for some items. She asked if having a tarp is better than nothing noting <br />people may not want to see the items under the tarp. She suggested some allowance <br />for property owner but having a minimum or maximum square footage that can be <br />covered with a tarp. She suggested if stored in the front yard it is required to have a <br />manufactured cover, if in back, then tarped and tied down on an approved surface. <br />She noted this could also irritate neighbors who see the back yard. <br />Councilmember Westgaard stated back yards are not typically visible to the general <br />public and suggested limiting the amount of front yard storage. <br />Council concurred in directing staff to review the issues further and stated the key is <br />visibility from the public right-of-way. <br />Temporary tent structure <br />Mr. Carlton stated the city can't require building permits for structures smaller than <br />200 square feet. He stated temporary structures less than 120 square feet are allowed <br />by city code. He discussed snow and wind loads for some structures and building <br />permit requirements. He asked if a structure should be cited if it falls apart. <br />Council concurred a temporary tent structure falling into disrepair should not be <br />allowed. <br />P 0 V F 9 E 1 B1 <br />NATUREI <br />