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City Council Minutes <br />November 4, 2019 <br />Page 3 <br />Mayor Dietz asked Mr. Staley if he has an estimate of the annual revenue. Mr. Staley <br />explained there are too many variables to estimate at this time. He indicated he will <br />bring a couple different concepts forward in the future to gauge the Council's taste, <br />impressions, and values and then actual sponsorship values will be determined and <br />matched with what the marketplace will support. He added he believes Elk River is a <br />community that will support this facility. <br />Councilmember Wagner expressed concern with local businesses getting upset about <br />fundraising being spearheaded by an outside organization rather than local officials <br />and staff. Mr. Staley stated it's more of a partnership and he believes, by being an <br />outsider, he learns a lot more during his interviews businesses and individuals. <br />Councilmember Wagner also expressed concern with the contract amount indicating <br />it is a lot to spend for preparation without any actual fundraising. She explained she <br />believes the city is behind on beginning this process. Mr. Staley stated there is a lot of <br />background and work that goes in to this process and he believes he can be <br />successful. <br />Councilmember Christianson questioned if anyone has come forward inquiring <br />about sponsorships. Mr. Hecker stated not that he is aware of. He noted he spoke <br />with representatives from the City of Shoreview and they are organizing a capital <br />campaign without outside assistance and it has not been as successful as they had <br />hoped. <br />Councilmember Ovall indicated he is struggling with this contract as he would like to <br />see additional options and feels putting together a request for proposals may be the <br />best way to see other options. <br />Councilmember Christianson stated he feels like the city is jumping in the deep end <br />with the cost of this proposal without knowing what the market will support and <br />questioned if it will be worth it in the long run. He added he would like to see more <br />than one proposal. <br />Mr. Staley indicated his experience includes service as a parks and recreation director <br />and he believes this experience will be valuable to the project. <br />Councilmember Wagner stated her concern is in no way a reflection of Mr. Staley. <br />She explained her concern is with the cost of the proposal and having someone from <br />the outside approach local businesses and individuals for sponsorships. She indicated <br />she has been offering to use her advertising background to assist for a few years now <br />and believes we may be behind on this. She stated the Council requested staff put <br />together a request for proposals at the last meeting and expressed disappointment M" <br />staff not taking the time to put together the RFP. She believes it is a disservice to the <br />community to not go out for proposals and she wants to be able to tell the public the <br />Council compared costs. <br />P O I E R I i T <br />NATURE <br />