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Response to the RFP <br />The following items are required in each proposal. In order to expedite the evaluation of proposals, <br />proposers will organize their proposal in the same sequence. Instructions regarding scope and contents are <br />given in this section. These instructions are designed to ensure the submission of information essential to <br />the understanding and comprehensive evaluation of each proposal. Facsimile or email proposals will not <br />be accepted. Proposals must contain a concise presentation of sufficient length to be complete. Brevity is <br />appreciated when possible. All documents and attachments will be contained in a presentation folder or <br />binder no larger than 8 ½ x 11. Proposals for “boilerplate” plans will not be acceptable. <br />A. Cover Letter: A cover letter with company name, address, phone number, project contact and <br />principal signature is required, expressing interest in the project and certifying that sufficient <br />resources in personnel, equipment, and time are available and can be committed to this project. <br />B. Work Plan: Explain the work plan with detailed specific tasks as noted in Scope of Service Section <br />of this RFP. Note all tasks and the responsible parties including the EDA and sub-consultants. <br />C. Project Schedule: A project schedule showing key task target dates (including community meetings, <br />public meetings and staff team meetings) and estimated task duration. Given the planning duration <br />of 12 months, the project schedule should include options for phased deliverables and programs <br />implementation throughout the development of the strategic plan. <br />D. Project Team: A resume for the principle of the firm along with a resume for the project manager. <br />Provide primary contact, names and titles of employees and all sub consultant team members, <br />partnering firms and their team members who will have responsibilities under the subsequent <br />agreement. Provide a brief background on all participants to include professional work and areas <br />of expertise. <br />E. Relevant Experience and References: List projects of a similar nature with which the successful <br />proposer has had direct experience. Be specific on why the referenced projects are similar to this <br />project, and provide links to the completed plans of a similar nature/scope when appropriate. Also <br />include at least one contract for each project (email and phone) that may be contacted as a <br />reference. <br />F. Quality Control: Describe how the successful consultant will handle quality control to monitor and <br />resolve issues and check and cross-reference documents. <br />G. Fees: Provide a list of fees for the entire scope of services with a total “not to exceed” amount <br />listed for each item. Provide hourly rates for additional services as well as the costs for out-of- <br />pocket expenses. <br />Failure to address items A through G in the Response to the Request for Proposals section in detail will be <br />sufficient reason to eliminate a proposal from consideration. <br />Award of Contract <br />Negotiations: After selection of a consultant based on qualifications, the city will then enter into <br />negotiations as to the terms of the contract, all aspects of services and the compensation to be paid to the <br />consultant. <br />