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Introduction <br />City of Elk River Economic Development Authority (EDA) seeks sealed proposals for services to create <br />an economic development strategic plan from consultants interested and qualified to perform such tasks. <br />It is the intent of the EDA to select a single consultant to accomplish all the services outlined in this <br />Request for Proposal. <br />The EDA intends to commence a contract with the successful proposer within thirty (30) days from the <br />date of the award and continuing for a period sufficient to complete the scope of work but no more than a <br />twelve- (12) month period. <br />It is understood that the EDA reserves the right to negotiate all elements that comprise the proposal and <br />to accept or reject part or all of any proposal. <br />Request for Proposal documents are available at the City of Elk River website at and <br />addendums if posted, will be provided at the same URL. <br /> <br />