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City Council Minutes <br />September 16, 2019 <br />Page 7 <br />other commitment from the city. Attorney Beck indicated there are a couple options <br />but a preliminary development agreement will work. <br />Mayor Dietz indicated he really wants to hear from the downtown businesses on <br />how they feel about this proposed development. He had concerns about the city - <br />owned parking lot being developed and the city losing the ability for parking <br />expansion. He noted he is not in favor of reduced building permit fees or <br />SAC/WAC fees as that has not been past practice. <br />Mr. Hartung indicated he will address the parking concern in his concept plan. He <br />would like to talk to the downtown businesses one on one rather than having a <br />public meeting. He will provide their input when he comes back to the Council. <br />Councilmember Ovall added this is already a public meeting and the public could <br />have come and spoke if they wished. <br />Council consensus was to allow Ms. Othoudt to negotiate a preliminary development <br />agreement with Mr. Hartung valid until January 31, 2020. Mayor Dietz opposed. <br />9.4 Active Elk River Project Timeline <br />Mr. Portner provided an update on the timing of the projects. <br />9.5 Rivers Edge Commons Park Rental Policy <br />Mr. Benoit presented the staff report. <br />Ms. Miller indicated administration staff has some concerns with the draft policy as <br />written because it says any event that is not a private wedding or city -sponsored <br />event will be run through the special event process regardless of whether or not areas <br />outside of the park will also be used. She had concerns with this opening up the park <br />use for just about anything since special event requests can only be denied for <br />reasons specifically outlined in ordinance. She explained current special event <br />ordinance allows parks to be run through the special event permit process as long as <br />they meet special event criteria. <br />Mr. Benoit indicated he believes there is some confusion as the intent was to handle <br />use of the Rivers Edge Park the same as how it is currently being handled by simply <br />acknowledging the park can be used as part of an approved special event permit. <br />Attorney Beck suggested changing the sentence regarding special event permits in <br />the policy because how it isn't clear how it's currently written and he fears there <br />could be trouble if left as is. <br />Council consensus is for administration and parks and recreation staff to work <br />together to reword the sentence in the policy relating to special events to match <br />current special event ordinance and have Attorney Beck review. <br />r <br />0. s E I E I I I <br />NAYURE <br />