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It <br />City Council Minutes Page 5 <br />September 16, 2019 <br />9.1 Orono Lake Improvement District Relationship to City <br />Ms. Bednar presented the staff report. <br />Attorney Beck explained lake improvement districts are unique noting he has had <br />many conversations with the League of Minnesota Cities regarding lake <br />improvement districts. He stated he received varying opinions on whether or not the <br />OLID can be added to the city's insurance. He indicated the best way to resolve <br />would be for the OLID to submit an application to the League of Minnesota Cities <br />Insurance Trust and wait for a decision. <br />He further explained there is nothing that prohibits or requires the city to provide <br />any level of staffing to a lake improvement district. League consensus is it is up to <br />the city whether the OLID uses city staff and legal representation. He added the <br />OLID is an independent body having full discretion to make their own staffing and <br />legal decisions. He indicated there are costs involved with the city providing these <br />services and he would recommend any staff or legal expenses be billed back to the <br />OLID. <br />Mr. Plant indicated he would like to pursue holding their annual meeting at city hall. <br />He said they had 120 people packed in to the Trott Brook Barn and it didn't work <br />well. Mayor Dietz stated he has no issue allowing OLID to use city hall or the new <br />multipurpose facility. Mr. Plant indicated a desire for city staff to continue working <br />with the Lake Orono Water Quality Committee, with limited direct involvement with <br />the OLID. He indicated the OLID would function as a separate entity making <br />recommendations to the city similar to an advisory committee. <br />Council consensus was to allow the Orono Lake Improvement District access to city <br />staff, legal representation, and insurance with OLID being responsible for the costs <br />associated with each. <br />9.2 Lion John Weicht Park Flag Discussion <br />Mayor Dietz provided an update on the meeting with American Legion leadership. <br />He indicated they discussed the Rivers Edge Commons Park not being the best <br />option for the Legion's Memorial Day Celebration because the park's layout is not <br />conducive to the mostly senior citizen attendance. He stated the group discussed <br />options and really liked the idea of moving the flag to Lion John Weicht Park. He <br />stated they also discussed relocating and incorporating the Veteran's Memorial at <br />Lion John Weicht Park. He noted the American Legion membership voiced <br />overwhelming support for locating the flag and the Veteran's Memorial at Lion John <br />Weicht Park rather than pursuing a flag downtown. <br />p I W I A I I ! 1 <br />NATURE <br />