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M <br />City Council Minutes <br />August 5, 2019 <br />Page 5 <br />Councilmember Christianson questioned if we can hold off on the $190,000 capital <br />improvement for information technology. Mr. Portner indicated his <br />recommendation is to hold off until the new IT manager is on board to review the <br />system and make recommendations. <br />Councilmember Wagner indicated she would like to see a breakdown of what the tax <br />increase means to the average homeowner. <br />Council consensus was to eliminate the three Fire Department position requests in <br />the budget. Council felt this is a good time for the new fire chief to evaluate the <br />department's needs. Mayor Dietz noted he asked for a complete analysis on the <br />duties of the fire marshal and inspector. <br />Councilmember Wagner explained the Council struggles with the balance between <br />maintaining service levels versus maintaining the tax rate. She stated it comes down <br />to what it will cost the average taxpayer. Councilmember Wagner explained it is easy <br />for the Council to set goals but it would be helpful to know the cost of <br />implementing the goals when setting the goals. She requested Mr. Portner ask the <br />Council next year if they want to maintain service levels or maintain the tax rate <br />during the goal discussion. Councilmember Christianson concurred. <br />Mayor Dietz suggested reducing the sinking fund by $150,000, postponing the hiring <br />of the IT manager until 2021, and postponing the start date of the new investigative <br />assistant until July of 2020. He also suggested transferring $50,000 out of the capital <br />reserve to the General Fund for a total reduction of almost $300,000. <br />Ms. Ziemer indicated liquor transfers to the General Fund could be increased but <br />that would reduce transfers to the Park Improvement Fund. Mayor Dietz would like <br />to see an analysis on these amounts. <br />Councilmember Westgaard indicated he would prefer to look to culture and <br />recreation budgets, including park maintenance, recreation, and senior programing <br />before looking to cut officers. He indicated he would rather look at cutting non- <br />essential services first. He noted the culture and recreation budget increased <br />$120,000 compared to last year. <br />Chief Nierenhausen clarified the investigative assistant position is not a licensed <br />officer and he is comfortable with delaying hiring for six months if that helps the <br />budget. <br />Councilmember Ovall questioned how long the step increases from the recent <br />Compensation Plan adjustments will impact the budget. Mr. Portner indicated the <br />impact may be the highest this year and it should level off. He stated he will get <br />information from finance to the Council this week. <br />PawEBE0 BY <br />NATURE <br />