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City Council Minutes <br />July 29, 2019 <br />Page 2 <br />Information Technology (IT) <br />Mr. Pearson explained the improvement in disaster recovery with the proposed IT <br />infrastructure enhancement. <br />Mayor Dietz asked if ERMU would pay for a portion of the IT infrastructure <br />improvements. <br />Council was concerned about buying $190,000 worth of IT equipment and then the <br />next IT Manager not liking it. <br />The council took a short recess at 5:44 p.m. and reconvened at 5:52 p.m. <br />Fire/Emergency Management <br />Fire Chief Dickinson explained that the fire academy was very popular and well <br />regarded throughout the state. There are opportunities to expand the classes but <br />currently there isn't enough time to devote to training. He added that the fire <br />academy is self-sufficient but he felt it may have opportunity to generate revenue. <br />Emergency Management <br />Fire Chief Dickinson explained that Sherburne County Emergency Management may <br />be willing to offset some of the cost of the equipment upgrade since they also use <br />the Emergency Operations Center (F -OC) in an emergency situation. The EOC <br />could potentially also be rented to other groups for training purposes. <br />Requested positions <br />Fire Chief Dickinson believes that, in time, the Fire Residential Rental Specialist <br />position could pay for itself through the increased amount of inspections able to be <br />performed. <br />General Discussion <br />Mayor Dietz asked Ms. Ziemer for a general idea of how many of the requested <br />budget items could be funded. He also asked if Sherburne County had provided the <br />net tax capacity yet. <br />Councilmember Christianson was concerned about the possibility of a recession and <br />having to make drastic cuts in the future. <br />Councilmember Westgaard added that, until the next recession hits, the city's net tax <br />capacity would grow and Elk River would need to continue to maintain the same <br />level of service. <br />Council requested the following: <br />Future discussion on ice arena fees and advertising. <br />Future work session on the transfer of $700,000 to the general fund and park <br />improvement fund from the liquor store fund. <br />F 0 v I R I i i t <br />NATURE <br />