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Per Current Compass' recommendation,John Dietz agreed that Ms. Slominski should have <br /> the title of Chief Financial Officer (CFO), and that her pay should be adjusted accordingly. <br /> Chair Dietz also voiced his opinion on the Owatonna Public Utilities General Manager(GM) <br /> Base Salary data that was used for benchmarking, questioning the two utilities that are paying <br /> their GM over$200,000 and whether their duties were similar to those of our GM. He stated if <br /> you were to eliminate the salary data from those two utilities,our GM's salary, with the <br /> addition of the UPMIC, would be right in line with the others. Commissioner Stewart reiterated <br /> that if we are going to benchmark our GM's salary to the top five salaries,we need to also <br /> make sure that we're comparing the level of responsibility, size of customers, revenue dollars, <br /> and services. <br /> The Commission had consensus that the methodology used for analysis should have factored <br /> in additional details to ensure an apples to apples comparison. After discussion on ERMU's <br /> philosophy, Commissioner Westgaard suggested that this get further vetted through the <br /> W&BC, and that a recommendation be brought back to the Commission for consideration. <br /> There was further discussion on the addition of a Human Resources Manager and the timeline <br /> for filling the Operational Technology Superintendent position. <br /> Moved by Commissioner Bell and seconded by Commissioner Westgaard to receive and <br /> file the Management Pay Group Compensation Study. Motion carried 5-0. <br /> 4.0 POLICY&COMPLIANCE <br /> 4.1 Annual Commission Performance Self-Evaluation <br /> Per Governance Policy G.2c Agenda Planning, and consistent with the 2019 Governance <br /> Agenda adopted by the Commission in 2018,the Commission is to conduct a self-evaluation of <br /> their own performance in the third quarter of each fiscal year. Following the evaluation,the <br /> Commission, with support from the General Manager, will arrange for governance education <br /> for the next fiscal year, including education related to the determination of desired results. <br /> Prior to the Commission meeting,the Commissioners had completed an online survey <br /> regarding their performance. <br /> Mr.Adams presented the survey results and facilitated discussion on each of the points the <br /> Commission evaluated themselves on.The survey included five open-ended questions <br /> regarding the Commission's performance and what, if anything,they should be doing to be <br /> more effective.A few key areas that were identified were: holding a regular joint meeting with <br /> Elk River Municipal Utilities Commission Meeting Minutes <br /> July 9, 2019 <br /> Page 4 <br />