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7.3. EDSR 08-19-2019
City Government
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Economic Development Authority
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7.3. EDSR 08-19-2019
Entry Properties
Last modified
8/16/2019 9:11:44 AM
Creation date
8/16/2019 9:10:47 AM
City Government
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2) <br />a. <br />b. <br />3) <br />a. <br />1. <br />2. <br />3. <br />b. <br />1. <br />2. <br />4) <br />a. <br />b. <br />1. <br />2. <br />3. <br />4. <br />5. <br />6. <br />7. <br />8. <br />c. <br />properties and roadways. <br />Dumpsters and refuse enclosures. <br />All dumpsters shall be completely screened from public view by using enclosures constructed of similar <br />material as the principal building. <br />Refuse enclosures shall include gates and be located in designated rear or side yards. <br />Rooftop or ground electrical equipment; signs. <br />All utility equipment shall either be: <br />Screened from the eye level view of adjoining properties by use of exterior walls and/or <br />landscaping; <br />Painted to match or complement the building structures; or <br />Incorporated into an architectural design, as approved by the building and zoning administrator. <br />Notwithstanding the provisions of subdivision II of division 5 of this article, the following requirements <br />regarding signage shall be met: <br />All freestanding signage shall be of a monument style sign and have a maximum size of 64 square <br />feet and height of eight feet. <br />One on-premises business wall sign per occupancy, not to exceed two square feet in sign area for <br />each linear foot of the building frontage up to a maximum of 128 square feet per occupancy, is <br />permitted. <br />Exterior building finishes. <br />It is the intent of the city to promote and encourage high standards of creative architectural design in the <br />business park district. <br />In the business park zoning district, the following are acceptable building materials and finishes: <br />Brick. <br />Natural or cut stone. <br />Integrally colored split face (rock face), burnished, or glazed concrete masonry unit (excluding plain <br />or painted). <br />Integrally colored and exposed aggregate precast concrete panels (excluding single-T or double-T <br />panels, plain, uncolored, or raked finish) or specially designed, cast-in-place concrete. <br />Glass, architectural metal, fiberglass and aluminum, provided such panels are factory fabricated <br />and finished with a durable nonfade surface and their fasteners are of a corrosion-resistant design. <br />Stucco, E.I.F.S., and other cementitious coating. <br />Wood, provided the surfaces are finished for exterior use or wood of proven exterior durability is <br />used, such as cedar, redwood, and/or cypress. <br />Other materials determined as acceptable by the planning department. <br />Major exterior surfaces that are adjacent to any public street, public trail/path, or adjacent residentially <br />zoned properties shall be of one of the acceptable materials and shall be combined with at least 30 <br />percent of one or more acceptable materials, or with 40 percent punched openings, with or without glass <br />or as much as allowed by the Uniform Building Code, whichever is less), neither of which are to be <br />concentrated in any one location, unless to accentuate a design feature. Major exterior surfaces that are <br />visible from but not adjacent to any public street, public trail/path, or adjacent residentially zoned <br />properties shall be considered transition walls and may have less than the 30 percent combination or <br />less than 40 percent punched openings, but either shall not be reduced to zero percent). Reductions
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