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City Council Minutes <br />July 15, 2019 <br />Page 8 <br />Mr. Femrite outlined that the project would include a double left turn lane from east <br />Highway 10 onto west Proctor Ave. There would be a shorter signal time and two <br />receiving lanes on Proctor Ave. <br />9.4 County State Aid Highway (CSAH) 1 (Proctor Avenue) <br />Reconstruction Project Update <br />Ms. Fabish presented the staff report. <br />Mayor Dietz asked if a third lane on Proctor Ave was scheduled down the road for <br />2020. <br />Mr. Femrite said the project would include a full pavement reconstruction. <br />9.5 Sidewalk Snow Plowing <br />Mr. Sevcik and Mr. Femrite presented the staff report. <br />In order to meet the ordinance requirements of clearing sidewalks of snow within 24 <br />hours, the Streets Department would need to purchase at least one additional <br />sidewalk plow and hire an additional employee. However, sidewalk plow machines <br />are not reliable and are expensive. <br />Mayor Dietz asked if the city should change the ordinance to increase the amount of <br />time allowed to clear sidewalks. <br />Councilmember Westgaard agreed the city should abide by the same timelines as <br />requested of residents. <br />Councilmember Christianson asked how many miles of sidewalks could be cleared <br />within the 24 hour timeframe. <br />At current equipment and staffing levels, 12-15 miles could be cleared of a 4 inch <br />snowfall within 24 hours. <br />Councilmember Christianson asked about the percentage of sidewalks neighboring <br />cities plow. <br />Common practice seems to be that residential property owners are responsible for <br />the sidewalk in front of their property. <br />Councihnember Christianson stated he gets comments from residents that certain <br />properties are plowed while others are overlooked. He asked about reducing the <br />number of miles the city maintains so they can comply with the ordinance <br />requirement. <br />r <br />o1ESEI Ir <br />NATURE <br />