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City Council Minutes <br />July 1, 2019 <br />Page 7 <br />Councilmember Westgaard expressed concerns with creep from the standard, noting <br />there are other more natural parks that may have pavilions in the future. He <br />questioned if there would be a push for differing colors then. He stated he would <br />prefer one standard color but didn't have a preference between red or a natural <br />color. He agreed consistency is important and helps draw people and shows <br />everything belongs to the same city. <br />Councilmember Christianson asked why there can't be two colors in the standards; a <br />natural color for nature parks and red for more social parks. <br />Councilmember Westgaard suggested choosing one nature tone color for all the <br />pavilions. <br />Parks and Recreation Commissioner Dave Anderson discussed an earth tone red <br />versus a bright red. He believes the city could have a standard shelter design but feels <br />the roof color can be differing. He suggested the downtown structures be red but the <br />Woodland Trails Committee felt strongly the roof should be earth toned. <br />Councilmember Wagner suggested if a design is not going to be agreed upon tonight <br />that this item be scrapped and reviewed again so Council doesn't break its own rules. <br />She discussed the need for branding and consistency. <br />Mayor Dietz felt everything else with the pavilion design shouldn't be scrapped if the <br />roof is the only issue. <br />Councilmember Wagner stated a brand can be built utilizing differing colors but it <br />hasn't been vetted. <br />Councilmember Wagner discussed the plan for the city has a whole and how <br />branding with the red sends a strong message and creates a wow factor. She stated it <br />lets you know where you are and that you are in Elk River. She stated the natural <br />roof creates a different meaning and is not a keystone look. <br />Moved by Councilmember Wagner to approve a standardized pavilion design <br />for parks that are consistent with the framing and a red roof design standard. <br />Motion dies for lack of a second. <br />Council continued this item to a future meeting so staff can bring back true <br />renderings of options for pavilion design. <br />8.6 Discuss Work Session Items <br />Mr. Portner presented the staff report. <br />The following were requested as future work session items: <br />rp IMI E 8 E I 11 <br />INaruRE <br />