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City Council Minutes <br />June 3, 2019 <br />Mayor Dietz opened the public hearing. <br />Page 8 <br />Chuck Klotter,19980 Lander St NW, says the area that he lives has many drain <br />tiles. His lot happens to be on the lowest level and the county has to continue to <br />rebuild the drain tiles. His biggest concern is how the water is going to be drained. <br />Mr. Klotter stated he, and his neighbors, pay a yearly maintenance fee to the county <br />for repair of the drain tiles. <br />Mr. Leeseberg stated nothing was proposed to be built on the property at this time <br />and builders would not be allowed to build on the drain tiles. <br />Cheryl Miller, 20018 Lander St NW, stated they have been dealing with the county <br />ditch for 30 years. The county built a holding pond, which is the only thing that <br />keeps it from not flooding. She is concerned about continued flooding. <br />Councilmember Westgaard said the drain tiles are maintained and assessed by the <br />county. <br />Mayor Dietz asked Mr. Leeseberg to get clarification from the county on why it's <br />flooding and what the county is intending to do to mitigate the issue. <br />Mr. Leeseberg showed on the map that the area contains a lot of wetlands. There <br />may be a misconception that the proposal is going to impede the ditch discharging <br />water from the property. <br />Mayor Dietz confirmed that building would not be allowed on top of the ditch. <br />Lori Amborn, 13432 Meadowvale Rd, the applicant, stated any flooding that was <br />occurring was a result of the failed ditch. She pointed out a portion of the ditch had <br />been fixed by the county, which alleviated flooding, however, a portion was still in <br />need of repair. She felt the proposed plat would not make flooding worse in the <br />future. <br />Sonja Ethun, 20044 Lander St, stated that flooding was an issue on her property. <br />Mayor Dietz closed the public hearing. <br />Moved by Councilmember Wagner and seconded by Councilmember <br />Westgaard to vacate portions of a drainage and utility easement for Lori and <br />Mark Amborn with the following conditions: <br />1. City Council approval of the plat of Amborn Addition. <br />2. The resolution must be recorded with Sherburne County at the same <br />time the plat of Amborn Addition is recorded. <br />Motion passed 5-0. <br />Moved by Councilmember Westgaard and seconded by Councilmember <br />Wagner to approve the final plat for Amborn Addition with the following <br />conditions: <br />P 0 1 E B E I o r <br />NATURE <br />